The Origin of Cauliflowers

By: Elroy Tyner | Posted: 14th October 2010

A famous writer that goes by the name Mark Twain once said that the only difference between a cauliflower and a cabbage is that the cauliflower has a college education unlike the cabbage. Why did he say this? Well, honestly I also do not know. But rest assured that I do know the history of the said vegetable.

Unlike its appearance, cauliflowers are not young or fresh when it comes to history. This vegetable can be traced back to wild cabbages, having the likeness of a kale or collard. As a matter of fact, cauliflowers were believed to have started off from the ancient Asia Minor. Through time, these vegetables have undergone a number of changes. There was also a point in time when cauliflower was only available in Italy. And it was only until the 16th century that other countries like France and other parts of Europe were introduced to the said vegetable. In the late 1600s, North America was the first location where cauliflower was first grown in America.

Even in the court of Louis XIV, cauliflowers were of high demand. This was can also be observed in Brittany wherein the cauliflower was included in sweetbread stews, mushrooms and veal.

At some point in the 12th century, Spain was the country where three cauliflower selections were illustrated. More than twelve cultivars were identified a hundred of years ago.

Cauliflowers were also mentioned in American writings as early as the 1800’s. Furthermore, it was documented that the 1920’s was the official year when cauliflower started to be commercially available in America.

In the present day, deep cauliflower soups are well-liked in France and Eastern Europe. Sardinian cooks mingle garlic, olive oil and capers with it to create zesty salads and hot dishes. While in India, it is cooked with potato and onion to create a rich vegetable curry.About the Author
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Tags: college education, cauliflower, kale, 16th century, 12th century, stews, likeness, 1600s, famous writer, louis xiv, veal, cultivars