Top Reasons To Consider An Office Guillotine

By: Melissa McNeil | Posted: 14th October 2010

Do you work in an office that is still following the same tradition of lining up bundles or paper, closing one eye and trying to precisely cut a straight line with a pair of scissors? Surely there is not enough time in the average working day to undertake your core job responsibilities, and take three attempts to cut either your presentations, invitations, flyers or other promotional or display materials? You know there is a need for a change and this is where an office guillotine can eliminate this time consuming chore.

Here are the top 5 reasons to consider an office guillotine;

• Manuel paper cutting is a thing of the past, not only is it time consuming, but on most occasions leaves behind uneven edges. If you work in an office where mass or continuous production or output is a must, having the luxury of an office guillotine can leave the finishing appearance of your product or paper looking accurately and cleanly cut in less time.

• You will find that guillotine paper cutters come in all shapes and sizes for the work place, therefore catering to your specific needs. An office guillotine helps to create a professional image for your company’s printed products and will highlight the high standard of quality that your company works to.

• To buy a guillotine paper cutter for your office, you do not need a particular budget as the office tool is not expensive. Even a simple desktop version can give you the same desired result you want, without breaking the bank.

• Having an office guillotine eradicates the most common problems associated with paper cutting, hence why the guillotine comes with adequate safety measures, reducing the likeliness of any injuries that can potentially occur during use.

For more information on prices for office Guillotines visit
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Tags: appearance, occasions, professional image, attempts, breaking the bank, flyers, shapes and sizes, invitations, safety measures, straight line, pair of scissors, adequate safety