Hair Transplant imbalances also corrects the hair problem

By: MadhuKumar | Posted: 14th October 2010

Excessive hairless may be caused by several factors and the choice of Hair Transplant solutions should be targeted to these causes. Hair loss or alopecia caused by illness is temporary and usually requires no treatment. Hormonal imbalances can also lead to alopecia and the treatment of these imbalances also corrects the hair problem.
An overactive or underactive thyroid gland, androgen and estrogens imbalances or pregnancy are examples of hormonal abnormalities that may lead to baldness. Certain medications, underlying diseases or infections, and improper hair care can also lead to alopecia. The main kinds of hair loss are androgenetic alopecia, alopecia areata, telogen effluvium and traumatic alopecia. The Hair Transplant solutions for each kind may overlap or may be entirely different depending on the stage of the disease. Of the four, androgenetic alopecia is the most common.
The type and strength of the drugs used in chemotherapy will determine the degree to which hair loss will occur. Alopecia (hair loss) is the most physically and psychologically distressing side effect of chemotherapy. The stress and depression that are caused by the loss of hair contributes to a further suppression of the immune system.
The only Hair Transplant treatments that are recommended to prevent hair loss were scalp ice packs or scalp tourniquets, but have been, unfortunately, failures. As people are left with no protection against hair loss, their only comfort is the promise that hair will re-grow after chemotherapy treatment is complete.
Baldness of this type occurs above the forehead. The only effective treatment is minoxidil solution which can be applied to the scalp twice daily for several months. T If medication caused the loss of hair, the medicine should be switched. If it is caused by stress, then the hair should begin to grow back a few months after the stressful event has passed and Hair Transplant treatment then will be no longer necessary.
Some studies have shown that cosmetic practices, such as tying the hair too tightly, can cause traumatic alopecia. Other cosmetic practices include the use of brush rollers, curling irons and repetitive use of chemicals.
All of these can damage hair follicles which can lead to hair thinning or loss. Obviously, the treatment is proper hair care. One other cause of traumatic alopecia is the condition called trichotillomania or the compulsive plucking of one's hair. Solutions for this condition may involve Hair Transplant antidepressants or the combination of pharmacologic and behavioral therapies.
Midas Cosmetic Surgery or "Aesthetic Surgery' is performed to reshape normal structures of the body. It may be to correct a minor deformity of a specific body part one is not happy about or to overcome the effects of aging, and look younger. Thus Cosmetic Surgery offers people a chance to enhance their appearance and self-esteem, leading to better lifestyle and productivity.
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Tags: several factors, chemotherapy, immune system, forehead, baldness, thyroid, hair care, minoxidil, loss of hair, estrogens, hair transplant, hair loss, stressful event, androgenetic alopecia, androgen, hair problem