Coffee tables - your living rooms most useful furniture.

By: Sunil Punjabi | Posted: 13th October 2010

Do you want big, hulking, sturdy and rustic or genteel, dainty, pretty and small? Whatever your taste, there are coffee tables that will suit your requirement and preference. You can get quirky, farmhouse, French Chateau, or plain style. Choose your coffee tables with care, as they can be the main focal point in your room.

Walk into any home and you're likely to come across a coffee table. You will notice it almost immediately as often they are in the middle of a room and hard to avoid. With such an imposing presence, coffee tables can overwhelm a room if it is too big for it. To work well in a room the tables have to fit the dimensions of the room and the other furniture accompanying it. If you have big, plush sofas, a dinky table will look out of place. Likewise, if you have a cosy cottage style suite and furnishings, then chrome, glass topped modern coffee table will look like it's been dropped there from the future.

We have all seen the pictures of a pristine living room, straight out of the 'Ideal Home Show', gleaming glass topped table, glossy fashion and home magazines placed just so. Well if that's what you want for your room, then go for it. Many of us however prefer something a little more functional. We want our coffee tables to be fit for purpose. We want somewhere to rest our coffee or indeed teacups; some (or is that many) of us even rest our feet on them. coffee tables are functional rather than just show furniture, and you need to choose one with that in mind.

The origin of the coffee table is open to interpretation, they do seem to have originated in Victorian England, and were certainly on sale in large numbers there as early as 1868. You could argue that coffee tables have been around a long time, but they were beverage or tea tables. The Japanese tradition of tea drinking spans centuries, and they had tables for their tea ceremonies. You would however have had to sit cross-legged on the floor to actually sit at one. coffee tables as specific items of furniture are then a fairly recent addition to the furniture world.

Nowadays, most of us would have use for coffee tables in our living room. There are some beautiful examples about, fantastic natural wood, lovely solid pieces that command respect and attention. Of course, the look of the table is important, it does sometimes stand out in a room. coffee tables can come with storage space, from a simple shelf to drawers and lift back tops. The table is an important piece of furniture, and they can make a room look comfortable and homely.

Therefore, whether its main use is as a footrest, or somewhere to keep the TV controls at hand, coffee tables are invaluable pieces of furniture. They are stylish, beautiful, and practical. Go for the storage option and keep your TV magazines and other things in the drawer or cupboard. Alternatively, you could go for the simplest of styles, a beautiful wooden open cube design. coffee tables aren't just for resting your cups on; they are so much more than that, and as such important pieces of furniture for our homes.

Enhance your Living room with excellent
Coffee tables in different woods, finishes, and colors. Visit our site for the full catalog of furniture for every room in your home –
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Tags: choose one, large numbers, focal point, coffee table, farmhouse, cottage style, open to interpretation, coffee tables, tea drinking, spans