Choosing an RF Shield

By: Antonio Denver | Posted: 12th October 2010

If you’re someone looking for an rf shield, whether you need something simple that’s just in the shape of a box or something that is a complicated multi-cavity shield with a removable lid, you need to definitely consider which company you are going to use to make this shield. This is important for a variety of reasons, but mostly, you are going to need to think about the amount of money that it’s going to cost you in order to get these parts for your project. Also, stop for a minute to think about the production time. You certainly would not want to wind up with a project that is being delayed if you feel like you are just waiting on this shield to be produced. A good way to determine if you are working with a good company to get your RF shielding needs is to look at their list of clients. If they’ve worked with some notable companies in the past, then there is a pretty good chance that they will also provide you with quality service.

You’ll want to choose your RF shielding with care since it is going to be shielding some of your most valuable assets. You’ll need it to be able to perform its function with ease. So, start learning about all the different kinds that are on the market. It might be smart for you to go through some informative articles if you aren’t quite sure which ones to use. You will need to know the basics, for instance, in order to make a truly educated decision about the product you would like to purchase. You’ll certainly want your shield to be robust and effective, so perhaps it would be wise to turn your attention to the material of your shield.

Some RF shield options are made out of metal. The kind of metal that you choose might impact how well a shield is able to perform. For instance, if you are shielding against frequencies of 15MHz or lower, this can best be accomplished by using a ferromagnetic metal like steel. However, to achieve more attenuation at these low frequencies, it might be smart to use metals that are highly permeable and have low core losses. If you’re shielding against frequencies that are greater than 15 MHz, then shielding relates to conductivity. Just about any metal is appropriate in this instance such as brass, nickel silver or shields that are thicker than .05 mm.

You’ll also want to think about how acid etching metal might be something that you could utilize in your project. Maybe you are shielding something that you would like to potentially reproduce for other manufacturing needs. In this event, you should think about the fact that you will not want the reproduction process to in any way damage your goods or make it impossible to use them as they were originally intended to function. You’ll want to be certain also that the reproduced parts are as close to the originals as possible so that they are actually interchangeable with the machinery that you would like to use.

Finally, when it comes to your RF shielding needs, you need to consider whether or not bend channels might be something that you would like to incorporate into your shielding enclosure. This could be a potentially good idea if you know that you would like to bend the walls of your shield around your project for an increased amount of flexibility. You’ll need to keep this in mind if you would like to create a shield on a budget; RF shielding that has bend channels can be formed without the necessity of traditional forming tooling, which means that you can save a considerable amount of money and time for your prototype production.
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Tags: amount of money, good chance, quality service, shape, informative articles, assets, production time, cavity, different kinds, good company, metals, low frequencies