Is your Dining room grand and formal or cosy and informal?

By: Sunil Punjabi | Posted: 07th October 2010

There is so much to choose in dining room furniture that you can choose a style and really go for it. If you have the space and the inclination, you can opt for grand and very formal dining room furniture or opt for cosier, informal furniture if that's your style.

How you go about choosing what you want in your dining room is entirely up to you, many of the choices you make though will be based on certain factors. Number one when choosing furniture will have to be the size of the room. It's no good going for a huge grand imposing table if it takes up all of the available space. Likewise putting a small unassuming table in a large rather grand dining room will quite frankly look fairly ridiculous. Therefore, the dimensions of your room have a big part to play on the furniture you choose.

When you are looking for any furniture not just specifically for your dining room, don't look at cost first, but just look at the furniture itself. When you look for furniture there will often be pieces that just catch your eye for no reason. It may just be the colour or pattern in the wood or the perfect look of it. Whatever catches your eye in that way is worth further investigation as you may just have discovered the piece that will be perfect in your dining room.

Furniture can speak to you. I fell in love with a gorgeous coffee table once and just had to have it no matter what the cost. Choosing things for our homes is a labour of love and as such you need to be able to love the furniture you choose. Your dining room may not be used every day. It could just be high days and holidays that you fully utilise your dining room. That's not to say you shouldn't take the same care to choose the furniture pieces you want.

With your dining room, there is absolutely no reason not to have additional furniture in there that is in not related to dining! You could throw caution to the wind and have a sofa in there along with your table and chairs. In most homes the rooms, we use double up as additional storage space or they have a multi purpose. If you have the space, you could have a dining room/office. Better still if you have that sofa in there with your favourite music collection and headphones it could be your place of refuge from the other half or the kids.

Whatever you do in your dining room, however you finally dress and decorate it, the furniture needs to be just right for the room. You could choose the decor first then the furniture. It's more likely you will find a stunning piece of furniture that is perfect for your dining room and the rest will fall into place after that. Furniture is an extension of us and therefore a highly personal thing. One thing is certain though; if you have fun choosing your furniture it will give you joy when you have it in your home.

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Tags: choices, inclination, holidays, available space, caution to the wind, coffee table, choosing furniture, formal dining room, sofa, table and chairs, furniture pieces, dining room furniture