My top movies from the fifties

By: John Insidie | Posted: 07th October 2010

We all love movies and especially old movies.
We really have seen some incredible and very good movies in the fifties, whether they were comedies, dramas, westerns or war movies as world war two was still in many people’s minds. Like in every other decade we saw some great stuff.

So I will tell you today what is my top five movies from the fifties.
I have hesitated a little, but I think I will put The bridge on the rive kwai as my best movie from the fifties. This movie which was released in 1957 is a classic for all war movies lovers and won seven oscars. The movie relates the story of British prisoners of war in a Japanese POW camp who decide to cooperate with the Japanese to build a railway bridge over the famous river Kwai.
I would put Vertigo in number two. This amazing movie directed by Alfred Hitchcock and released in 1958 is one of these masterpieces delivered by the great Alfred Hitchcock. The movie tells the story of a San Francisco detective who suffers from acrophobia and who has to investigate the activities of one of his friend’s wife. The cast of the movie brought some great names like James Stewart and Kim Novak.
I would give the third spot to another great movie which is Ben-Hur. The movie directed by William Wylers was released at the end of the fifties in 1959 and saw a great performance from Charlton Heston. This movie which won eleven Oscars and many other rewards relates the story of a betrayed Jewish prince who is sent into slavery who tries to regain his freedom. One of the most famous scenes is the Roman style race.
The fourth place would go to the movie “Some like it hot” starring Marilyn Monroe and Tony Curtis.This movie also released at the end of the fifties in 1959 is a well known comedy that also won an Oscar.
I think I will put the Walt Disney movie Cinderella in the fifth place. We all loved it and it is still a movie that kids and parents love to watch. Not bad for an animation movie made in 1950.

There were so many great movies in that decade that it was pretty difficult to come up with a top five, and as it is my top five best movies from the fifties, you may not all agree with me on the movies.
A lot of websites now offer free movies like streaming movies and to watch movies online legally, so jump on the opportunity and catch up with great movies from the fifties. You can often watch free films online from these sites which is just great.
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Tags: walt disney, fifties, kids and parents, world war two