Fantasy Card Games are Still on Paper!

By: Marc Vorret | Posted: 23rd September 2010

I learned to play strategy games when I was in my sophmore year. They invariably encouraged me to use my imagination. Sometimes fantasy card games ushered in internet gaming and I would guess that this is similar for people that play board games. Although I felt encouraged to play these by responsible establishments, some embarrassment accompanied me each time I wanted to play.

Fantasy card games or electronic gaming
Some of the popular fantasy card games on the market in the last 16 years that I have played are Bakugan, World of Warcraft TCG, and Digimon. A lot of these were tragically digitized into electronic games. I don't dislike online games, they are so very similar to physical games, each side being made from the same building blocks; despite this, they both create opposite results in lifestyle. I want to add that the money spent on either is approximately the same. Contrasting production of console games to fantasy card games; in 2002, 1034 video games and 10 fantasy card games were produced. This information was gathered by and

Influenced by friends
I suppose it's do to the fact that fantasy card games help with mental skills that I remember feeling encouraged to play board games at school while still very young, and was even applauded when I volunteered to be the score keeper. I recall an assignment in middle school for math class to think of a board game. It was the first and undoubtably the last time that I got excited to start my homework. The game I designed was of course a forerunner of what became many fantasy card games. That was the trailhead to a long road for me, because I never stopped designing, although most of what I thought of was dismissed. Along with playing fantasy card games, teachers encouraged reading and writing fantasy books such as Lord of the Rings. Digital games still conquer over paper because there are less than 9000 results listed on under the fantasy genre to weigh against 25,000 games at

Culturally embracing fantasy card games.
Fantasy is more and more abundant as a genre for movies over the last two decades. Based on listings at, the ratio of fantasy productions among all movies was 1 of 57 before the 90's and has expanded to 1 of 26 and 1 of 23 from '91 to 2000 and from 2001-present respectively. Despite this increasing popularity it is strange to me that fantasy card games are continuously thought of as 'uncool'. A fact that doesn't go unnoticed by gamers that play fantasy card games. My group of friends can be sifted into two types of players; the quiet and possibly ashamed gamers, and the outspoken promoters of individuality. While one group will larp about in the playground, the other sticks himself on a bench and covers the title of his book.

In part this article is my attempt to break free from the type I have always been in and become one of those who shamelessly love fantasy card games. I can't wait until we can all let go of the stereotype that fantasy is desireable in video games and film, but not preferable in physical games. Although my sincere goal is for all of us to take a break from the cpu screen and try out a better game.

Here is a strategic card game video, as well as the homepage for the Pentology card game.
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Tags: building blocks, wikipedia, board games, forerunner, board game, electronic games, world of warcraft, internet gaming, strategy games