The Top 4 Romantic Comedies of All Time

By: Sturat Michael M | Posted: 16th September 2010

Do you like to cuddle up with your partner in front of the television? Here are some of the best movies in the genre of romantic comedies.

Harold and Maude (1971)
In this rather morbid film, Harold is a 19-year old that enjoys staging his own death and attending funerals. His socialite mother is often setting up blind dates for him to find a partner, but he would scare them off by pretending to kill himself in front of them. One day, at one of the funerals he attended, he meets 70-year old Maude who also enjoys attending funerals. They click with one another easily, and share their perspectives of life and death. Harold falls in love with Maude's zesty character and decides to marry her. This age-holds-no-barrier romantic comedy suggests how people can complement one another with their differences in perspectives.

When Harry Met Sally (1989)
Harry and Sally have different ideas about relationships between men and women. While Harry thinks that sex tends to get in the way, Sally thinks that the genders can be friends without bringing sex into the picture. They bump into one another a few times over the course of 10 years, and within that 10 years, they both develop feelings for one another despite their rough start.
This is one of the best movies people would refer to when they think about the possibilities of falling in love between friends.

Pretty Woman (1990)
Businessman Edward meets Vivian at chance when she was willing to help him with his directions around Hollywood Boulevard. They chat a bit, and Edward decides to have the prostitute accompany him for his week-long escort to social events. She is given money for a makeover, only to be snubbed by the salespeople by her appearance. Thus, Edward defends her when he hears about it. Following this event, they spend much time together, where Edward learns that there is life other than trying to take over a company, and Vivian learns that she has more capabilities than she thinks. This movie is a classic love story on falling in love with one regardless of their stature, and that people can learn from each other's differences.

Sleepless in Seattle (1993)
Grieving widower, Sam shares his story about how dearly he misses his late wife on a radio show. This touches the hearts of many, including reporter, Annie. She writes to him in hopes to meet him at the Empire States Building, but Sam declines the idea when his son excitedly persuades him to go since he did not like his father's current girlfriend. One day, Sam and Annie crosses path at the airport and both are attracted to one another. However, Annie mistakes Sam's sister for his girlfriend at a beach. Another chance encounter take place, at the place Annie suggested meeting. Sleepless in Seattle depicts how love cannot escape fate.

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Tags: businessman, salespeople, makeover, life and death, men and women, genders, funerals, blind dates, perspectives, love story, romantic comedy, romantic comedies