How do I Take Better Photos?

By: Chrislomi | Posted: 14th September 2010

A better photograph is one which has high resolution
and more clarity. The photograph should have good colour composition
and should contain high pixel numbers.

The main steps which are needed to be followed for
a better photograph are:

1. Read the camera's manual properly: the
photographer needs to go through the manual of the camera properly. It
helps him to master the camera properly and capture the photograph more

2 Set the resolution of camera to high: the high
resolution provides a better quality of the

3 The very first step is to clean the camera lens
as it is possible that some dust or lint may tamper your image.

4. Avoid taking pictures in low light.

5. Avoid the bright reflections and other
"hot-spots" as they can ruin your picture.

6. Avoid anything that requires tight focal length
because their focal length is short, and due to this leads to blur

7. Avoid mirror shots-that mean avoid shots of
mirror because they end up confusing auto-focus mechanism.

8. Set your camera to the high resolution for
image quality.

9. Before taking the picture turn off the frame
setting and any extra effect-sometimes frame can ruin your picture. You
must apply frames afterwards, as framing requires lowering of

10. If your camera allows the "White balance"
feature - as our human eye adjust to the scene and light effects it
usually see, like ways our camera also adjust to all kind of lights,
and give you a high quality picture.

11. Flash must be used sensibly and judiciously-if
we are using flash because our scene is not properly prone to light we
must keep in mind that anything completely by your camera's flash light
will look unnatural, this leads to low picture quality consequently.

12. Frame your shot carefully-make sure everything
you want to be in your picture is there because, in a single word,
satisfaction is more important than quality. Somewhere if your picture
is not properly shot then it's worth nothing.

13. After keeping all points in mind finally click
the image keeping camera as still as possible.

14. After all this points save the image in your
camera and as if desired save it on your computer for post processing.

15 Also, the red eye effect should be reduced by
taking the image without flash. In the absence of flash, there is no
light which enters the pupil so fast.

16. Lastly according to my view, take photographs
willingly! That's enough driving force to take a better photograph.

Concept: If the space between the pixels is more
the result would a blur picture with low quality, in case the pixels
are placed close to each other the resulting image would be of better
quality and regarded as HIGH RESOLUTION IMAGE.
Quality photos are ultra high resolution of any
digital photo, and these can be printed as well on printable materials.
When we are talking about high resolution pictures this means we are
talking about pictures with excellent graphics.

Every cat is proud of his or her friendly feline.
Cats make perfect subjects in which to photograph. You can catch your
cat and a variety of interesting and fun poses when you know how to
take pictures of your cat. If you are interested in photographing your
cat, here are some tips to help you get the best shots.

Catch your Cat Napping Nothing looks quite as
relaxing as a cat taking a nap. Cats do sleep a lot, so if you take a
picture of your cat napping, you have plenty of opportunity. The best
time to take a picture of your cat is to catch it when it is asleep.
You can take close-ups of your cat either as it sleeps, or gently wake
your cat up for a relaxed look. For a nice shot of your cat, try gently
rubbing your cat's belly right when you want to snap a picture. This
will encourage your cat to roll over on its back.

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Tags: hot spots, photograph, framing, clarity, using flash, image quality, photographer, human eye, white balance, focal length, high resolution, lint, camera lens, auto focus, flash light, light effects