A tribute to trees

By: Rudy Cote | Posted: 01st September 2010

They make us take root to the earth, and also encourage us to look at the sky. (The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.) Proverb.

The trees are magnificent gifts of creation that enrich our lives beyond all considerations. Their splendid canopy attenuated the summer heat, while sheltering us against the winter winds and warm us. Trees are the lungs of the earth, because they provide the oxygen necessary for life and absorb carbon dioxide that threatens the stability of our climate. Trees are a living link with the past, acting as conventions between generations. The oldest trees on earth are the Sequoias with yew leaves from California. They can reach up to 66 feet high, many of those giants are over 3000 years old, dating back to the bygone era and the Mayans and the pharaohs. The contemporary Sequoias are distant relatives of trees that were existing 100 million years ago when dinosaurs roamed the earth. Trees help us to take our root on Earth, but also they encourage us to look at the sky, and are showing us possibilities that only us can ever imagine. Some smaller and fragile shoots are helping to extend the life of trees encouraging them to to reach extreme heights so that some of those older trees can literally reach into the heavens.

The trees environmental benefices

The environmental benefits of trees are substantial:


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Tags: summer heat, proverb, dead leaves, pharaohs, carbon monoxide, microorganisms, soil erosion, mayans, environmental benefits, distant relatives, groundwater