Starting some clean fun

By: Salvync | Posted: 31st August 2010

I have always had a fascination for art. Art can be expressed on many forms, like writing, drawing, sculpting, photography, singing, to mention some. My way of expressing myself is by drawing. But sometimes ignorance can destroy our dreams and aspirations.

When I was little I wanted to be a painter, this was when computers were starting to take over the world. My parents use to ask me, "What would you like to be when you grow up?" and I would always reply with I want to be an artist. They always looked uncomfortable when I replied. One day my father finally told me what he thought about my reply. He said "do not waste your time on drawing, computers will do that automatically, painters and drawing artists are going to be out of jobs soon." I was very young, about eights years old. Those are some strong words, more if they are coming out of your father. He made me think twice about becoming an artist.

I kind of stopped drawing. I still drew, but not with the same inspiration or enthusiasm of one day being a famous or respected artist. Instead I used to draw for myself, I would just show my drawings to my friends and my brother. It has been about ten years since I finally stopped doing any drawings.

But recently that inspiration and emotion is coming back. I study on my own a little about how to create a website. I have been working on my own website for about 6 months. I have some animated jokes, Hot dress up games and drawings. I feel free and motivated creating content for the site. My drawings are now showing worldwide! I am still a little "rusty" but I can get my talent back. My dad is still skeptic about this, but I know if you really want something and work hard at it, you can achieve anything.

In conclusion, never stop dreaming and in my case never stop drawing. My dad never thought there would be drawing tablets for computers, and neither did I. Ignorance almost destroyed my dreams, but I hope I am still on time to make a living out of what I enjoy doing, drawing.
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Tags: own website, parents, reply, conclusion, emotion, inspiration, dreams, brother, dad, fascination, drawings, painters, aspirations, photography, art art, dress up games