Why your kids want to stay in their rooms

By: Phillipe Smith | Posted: 20th August 2010

Kids these days are more than happy when their parents tell them to go to their rooms. It is simply because they have so much activity they can do while they are in there. Gone are the days when they are sad because they were sent there. There is hardly any more punishment for going there these days. As their rooms because their second home within a home, filled with objects especially their trusted PC, which they can easily spend hours online talking to their friends.

The reason this has caught on is because it is simply the internet age. Where children used to communicate with their friends maybe a few times a week, or at school, they are now able to communicate with them at many levels, using all types of technology. However, what it does mean is that they slowly become more introverted without knowing that they are missing exposure to other people that they may not normally meet in the old days. Kids would be more talkative to their parents or their family friends, since they had constant interaction with them, and had more topics to discuss about. These days if you asked a child who has spent the last week locked up in their room what they did, they will most likely just answer, not much.

The room to the child has become a place to privacy. Most kids will request that no one can enter their room without permission. This is only understandable, since even adult do not like to be interrupted with their activity, especially when they are talking to other people. Even when they are not communicating with their friends, they maybe playing online games, which require much concentration, or have graphical content that they do not want to show their parents. All of these factors cause children to become secluded in their rooms, without must idea from their parents. Even starvation is not enough to get them out, in time for dinner.

If you are looking for ways to entice them to come out, then ask yourself as a parent - what do you have to offer them that is better than their online friends, or computer games? Look for innovation, and clever ways to do old things, which they may find interesting. Order take out instead of the boring dinner. Watch reality shows with them in the dining room, or even better setup a canopy in the backyard and have a quick bite under the stars. As simple as they may sound, these little tricks can go a long way when it comes to showing your children that there is more to life than being locked up in their own little imaginary world which is their bedroom.

Parent and child interaction is an important step in their growing up. Show them the use of a kids laptop console early in their childhood.

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Tags: parents, interaction, internet age, family friends, concentration, starvation, online games, fri, adult, kids these days