Pay monthly deals

By: michael george | Posted: 18th August 2010

The mobile phone is the quintessential modern convenience gadget that everybody must have. Many comment that they feel lost without their phone and cannot leave the house without it. Having a mobile phone available for use 24 hours a day provides the user with the security that they are never more than a phone call away from assistance. If for example you were to break down in your car on a remote country road, without a mobile phone, you would be essentially helpless and would have to choose between leaving your car unattended and searching for help, or staying in the car and hoping that a passerby will see you. With a mobile phone, all you need to do is call a breakdown service and you'll be safe and warm within half an hour.

Peace of mind

Consider for a moment, however, that you have a pay as you go mobile phone. You will be full of confidence that you are safe with your mobile phone in your pocket. So you decide to go for a drive in the countryside and your car breaks down. You calmly go to call the breakdown service on your phone, only to find that you've run out of phone credit. At this point your phone is essentially worthless. Situations such as this would never arise if you had a pay monthly contract, which will never have the capacity to be "out of funds".


In addition to this peace of mind, the monthly mobile phone contract offers financial incentives too. Monthly contracts offer free minutes and texts to the customer as part of the deal, with typical amounts such as 1000 texts and 600 minutes for £35 a month. These deals will provide better value for money for the customer in the long run, as the value of the free texts and minutes outweighs the cost of the monthly phone bill. For example, 1000 texts at 10p per text would cost £100, and 600 minutes at 5p a minute would cost £30, so this contract should really cost £130 a month.

It is best to stick to the major providers when buying a mobile phone, as they have the best network coverage and in depth customer support. Orange, O2, T-mobile and Vodafone plans are easy to find online or on your local high street, with competitive deals available that include high quality phones. Additionally, Orange, O2, T-mobile and Vodafone mobiles are selected from the best manufacturers, and include the most cutting edge designs that are available. You will be sure to find a mobile and mobile phone plan to suit your needs and desires, as the choice is wide and varied; from costly to cheap, stylish to functional, there is a deal for everyone.
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Tags: money, phone call, convenience, confidence, gadget, passerby, countryside, peace of mind, contracts, financial incentives, free minutes, network coverage, phone contract, free texts, pay as you go mobile phone