Healthy Cooking with Cookbooks

By: Kim | Posted: 16th August 2010

Save time and make money too - A winning combination with and Fundcraft Publishing! Celebrating 100-years!

Okay folks, it's 2010. Hard to believe, isn't it? Ever wonder where the time has gone? Ever think that there simply are not enough hours in the day? It's a busy world and who has time to cook a three course meal every night? *It is estimated that the number of working women in the U.S. will reach 76 million by 2014. And, if you are one of the millions of working couples, or one of the millions of single working moms in the U.S. today, your number one question of the day may very well be, "What's for dinner?" Tired of fast food and quick frozen cuisine loaded with fat and calories, yet still find yourself not having time to make a healthy dinner for your family? **Currently roughly 58 million Americans are overweight and an estimated 40 million are considered obese. One of the major contributing factors to these overwhelming and alarming statistics is attributed to not eating right. So, cook smart! has the solution!, a subsidiary of Fundcraft Publishing, one of the largest and most well-known cookbook publishing companies in the United States, has a wealth of healthy recipes for the cook who has plenty of time and the cook who has about 30-minutes or less to throw something together to feed the hungry family after a hard days work!

This new website has search features such as recipe ranking, shopping lists, save to cell phone, and more!

Visit for one of the largest and most comprehensive recipe databases! And, for the working family with little time, visit the Quick and Easy Cooking section. Cooking has never been this quick and easy! will not only help you in the kitchen, but will also add a bit of sanity back into your ever-so-busy life! And hey, we all need that, right?

Too many "paper lists" filling your purse? No problem. With, you may have recipes sent directly to your cell phone! Make your dreaded grocery shopping outing simple by receiving recipes directly to your cell phone, complete with a detailed ingredients list. Life is already sounding a bit better, isn't it?

Visit and not only receive great cooking tips and recipes, but also find out more about how Fundcraft Publishing can help you raise money with the best cookbook publishing program around. A proven and tried cookbook fundraising program in place for 100-years, Fundcraft Publishing is so confident that your church, organization, school or club can raise needed money for projects - they offer a sales guarantee! That's right. A sales guarantee! Simply follow Fundcraft's simple sales method (that has kept them in business for 100 successful years) and see how easily you can raise money with cookbooks! Visit for detailed information on how to get started. (See our link on

It's time to eat healthy, cook simply and quickly, and gain more time for your family with the help of - and raise needed funds all at the same time with the Cookbook Fundraising program with Fundcraft Publishing!

Happy shopping, enjoy our recipes and raise money with our cookbook publishing program with Fundcraft Publishing! Let us know what you think and remember to tell your friends!

Bon Appetite from your friends at and Fundcraft Publishing!


*Some information for this article was derived from The Department of Professional Employees.

** Some information for this article was derived from, Worldwide Obesity Trends.
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Tags: little time, sanity, 100 years, fast food, time visit, purse, search features, having time, cookbooks, working moms, winning combination, one of the millions, healthy recipes, publishing companies, working women