Choosing A Pay Monthly Mobile Phone

By: michael george | Posted: 13th August 2010

Contract phones are the main revenue stream for all the main mobile phone companies. By signing up to a contract with one of these companies you are agreeing to pay a monthly fee, or line rental, for the duration of your contract with the service provider. But what does paying a certain amount really get you in terms of value for money?

A brand new phone at the end of your contract if you want one.
Inclusive minutes and texts.
The option of better insurance on your mobile phone.
The ability to accurately monitor exactly how many minutes and texts you use.

Who's The Best Service Provider Though?
It's the question that every mobile phone user asks themselves upon thinking about entering into a new contract. It's also a question that totally depends on the individual phone user's needs. If its a flexible tariff your after, T-Mobile's probably the way to go. Fancy the new iPhone, O2 is the only service for you. Need reliable reception and network coverage, a Vodafone contract is the one for you. If we look closely at Vodafone pay monthly tariff's, many people usually consider them to be one of the most expensive providers. This probably isn't necessarily true, with the diversity of phones available and price plans that go with them, it's difficult to say definitively one way or the other. One good thing about Vodafone, however, is that there is an extremely large crop to choose from in terms of Vodafone pay monthly mobile phones.

Which Phone Do I Want Then?
This is another question that is completely dependant on individual preferences. The social media crowd and Facebook sheep all find it hard to live without updating their status every 6.2 seconds so a Blackberry is definitely the order of the day for them. People who undertake very physically demanding jobs or activities will need a durable mobile phone. Then there are those people who want a phone that makes an artistic statement, they want a phone that only has one button and a screen that turns into a Picasso original print. Who knows what they want? Service providers certainly don't so they all offer a huge range of mobile phones that often take hours to look through. They tend to rank them too. The newest, prettiest things tend to be near the front (isn't that always the way), while the dated and replaced models tend to fade away into the depths of website obscurity.

Along with all of the big mobile phone companies, Vodafone offers all of the latest phones and would probably be one of the first choices for anyone not after the iPhone. While the iPhone has redefined the mobile phone market, in a similar way to almost everything else produced by Apple, it does have its downfalls. Companies like Vodafone UK and Orange are ready to offer extremely capable contenders to the iPhone crown, and they normally do it at a fraction of the price.

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Tags: revenue stream, new contract, picasso, service provider, mobile phone companies, blackberry, t mobile, vodafone, sheep, network coverage, mobile phone user, demanding jobs, tariff, contract phones, facebook, o2, iphone