Will a Republican Candidate that is Strong Enough to Win Emerge in time for the 2012 Presidential El

By: menteithty12 | Posted: 12th August 2010

As citizens and pundits look forward to the 2012 Presidential election we can be certain of one thing--we will not experience the historic drama and significance witnessed in the 2008 election. Never before had a country held it collective breath in anticipation of such tide change. It can also be said that never before, or at least for a very long time, had the majority of Americans held out hope for greater change in the way our government operated.

Yes, indeed, the election of the first African American president was historic and game changing. For many voters, it was the dream of a lifetime, for others it was confirmation that the country was headed down the wrong path. For many, the promised change has been slow to come and the difficulties brought about due to the flagging economy drug on far too long. For some, the 2012 election can't come soon enough and for others the hope for change remains. Whatever way you look at it, the 2012 Presidential election is like to be a referendum on the performance of the Obama administration.

It is widely assumed that Barak Obama will once again be the Democratic candidate. But can he win? It is clearly too soon to tell and it is certainly not a given. Many who hung their hope for change on the young president are voicing disappointment in the administration's handling of the economy and the war in Afghanistan and the Democrats continue to face stiff competition in both the House and the Senate. Few would argue that the sweeping change that many anticipated has come despite significant new legislation regarding health reform and financial regulation.

Depending on the side of the aisle you stand on, Obama is an easy win or a sure loser for the 2012 Presidential election. But the real question is can the Republicans put for a candidate that is strong enough to beat an incumbent? As it stands right now there is no clear front runner to take the nomination. Electability will be a key consideration for any candidate as will the ability to fight what may be a country-wide desire to make a statement against all politicians. Mid term elections will offer some insight into the mood of the country in this regard. Should voters sweep out long term politicians wholesale, all bets will be off.

The list of potential 2012 Presidential election Republican candidates is long. From familiar names such as John McCain and Mike Huckabee to newcomers like Scott Brown we find a wide range of potential candidates. Should Sarah Palin decide to run as many suspect she will; the fight for the nomination will be unpredictable. It is difficult to predict the impact the Tea Party will have and lesser players such as Bobby Jindal and Charlie Christ could step to the forefront to offer less traditional alternatives.

Unfortunately for the Republican Party it is fragmented and will likely to remain so for some time. Whether or not a candidate that is strong enough to win can come forward and take the 2012 Presidential election will depend for the large part on how quickly the economy recovers and whether the Obama administration can reverse the downward trend in the approval polls. For now, it is too soon to tell.

2012 Presidential Election information including news about all 2012 election candidates.
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Tags: disappointment, anticipation, loser, pundits, aisle, stiff competition, new legislation, american president, health reform