How to Treat Cervical Spondylosis

By: Dr. Mital John | Posted: 04th August 2010

A person with cervical spondylosis has destruction of the joints and disks located between the bones in the neck. The swelling and collapse of the disk can place pressure on the nerves that pass between the bones of the neck. This can result in malfunction of the nerves that control the arms. Cervical spondylosis is a disorder caused by abnormal wear on the cartilage and bones of the neck (cervical vertebrae). The tissue wears away (degeneration) and mineral deposits form in the cushions between the vertebrae.

The most common presenting symptom is low back pain. Usually, pain is centered over the sacrum and may radiate to the groin and buttocks and down the legs. The typical patient is a young man who has repeated episodes of back pain waking him at night and associated with spinal stiffness in the morning. Low back pain persists, even at rest. With time, back pain progresses up the spine and affects the rib cage.

Three males to every one female is the ratio of patients with Ankylosing spondylitis, as female patients may have much less obvious symptoms and so be missed from the diagnosis. Young men are the commonest presenting group with most consulting a doctor before they are 40 and up to 20% before they are sixteen years old. 25 years is the average age that someone goes down with the symptoms and is uncommon to find a diagnosis of AS in a person over fifty.

Causes of cervical spondylitis and depression According to Ayurvedic principles of curative, the aridness and inelasticity can be checkered by use ghrit- medicated butteroil or cow's ghee in restraint. The deterioration can cause several of the discs to bulge out and can reason the central cartilage of the discs to protrude through a break in the ring that environs the disc (herniate). The nearby ligaments turn out to be less flexible, and the vertebrae might expand bone spurs.

Symptoms: Pain in the neck. This may spread to the base of the skull and shoulders. Movement of the neck may make the pain worse. The pain sometimes spreads down an arm to a hand or fingers. This is caused by irritation of a nerve which goes to the arm from the spinal cord in the neck. The pain tends to wax and wane with flare-ups from time to time. However, some people develop chronic (persistent) pain.

Prevention/Solution: -

Initial treatment of cervical spondylosis may include measures taken to allow the area time to heal. A doctor may suggest that the person wear a neck brace to take pressure off the vertebrae and allow the pain to subside. For more severe cases it may be necessary to put the person in traction in a hospital to take all the pressure off the vertebrae and give them a chance to heal.

In the event that these therapeutic approaches do not work a doctor may decide to use surgery. Surgery may be done to eliminate bone spurs that are putting pressure on nerves or it may be done to fuse vertebrae together and stop the pressure on the surrounding nerves.

For more useful information visit Cervical Spondylosis Treatment and Cervical Spondylitis Remedies. Also visit more on Cervical Spondylosis
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Tags: collapse, low back pain, stiffness, cartilage, groin, pain in the neck, rib cage, buttocks, female patients, mineral deposits, cervical vertebrae, sacrum, sixteen years, bone spurs, ghee, environs