Highly quality iPhone app review sites

By: Joanne Simpson | Posted: 03rd August 2010

If you're anything like me, you probably hate reading countless articles online, it takes time, focus and energy, plus even if you don't have ADD you still probably hate reading unless it's funny or very captiviating like a good novel.

Anyway, one of the problems with app review sites is that they don't really give you good idea of the app, because you still can't "see" how the app works and you have to take someone else's word for it. Remember though that using all these useful apps all the time can put a drain on your battery so remember to get a hold of a iphone battery pack

Thankfully a handful of sites have popped up which actually go and do video and audio reviews of apps, granted, this is a lot harder work to make, but I'm sure you're aware that receving information this way is much more preferable.

Dailyappshow.com has some really high quality video reviews of many apps, the apps are reviewed by the site staff, and are recorded in studio in very high quality video. The audio is pretty good too, and this isn't a amateur job at all. Currently they review up to 7 apps a day. Now reviewing apps can be an expensive hobby given that you have to buy the apps to review them, thankfully I'm told that the people at dailyappshow.com actually get paid by the developers to review the apps, now isn't that a cool job to have. Almost as good as the people who get paid to play video games.

Now I have to warn you to take it as you may, but dailyappshow.com do actually get paid to review the apps so there may be some bias in that. Currently users cannot review apps, but you can always submit apps to be reviewed and may be lucky enough to get your request fulfilled.. Cool app.

Next we have appvee.com, appvee is definitely way better than dailyappshow in terms of content, although their site design is left much to be desired, this may be down to their content focus as appvee have opted for both video reviews, written reviews, as well as screenshots, appvee tends to have a higher amount of user reviews and comments which suggests that the website is more popular, so factor that in your decision to choose your favourite. Also what differs appvee to the DAS is that appvee allows the users to post their own video reviews as well.

Now finally we have the todayiniphone.com podcast, it's probably one of its kind. Todayiniphone is a podcast which works with itunes which can only mean one thing, yes you can download podcasts straight onto your iphone device and listen to them on the go. This will allow you to stay up-to-date on the go.

The podcasts are informal and high quality produced, this isn't a cheap production done on a laptop with a mic, this actually is high quality and studio produced. So beat that.

The blog is pretty neat as well, as has some humerous input in there for you to chuckle over.
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Tags: high quality, job, handful, developers, novel, bias, video games, apps, battery pack, time focus, iphone