PS3 Blu-Ray Problems

By: Cherryl Torres | Posted: 14th July 2010

PS3 Blu-Ray Problems

Sony's Play Station 3 has taken gaming to a whole new level never thought possible. Not just with its games either mind you! Since making its debut in 1995 with the Play Station 1, game developers and gamers alike have been collaborating in their creativity and imaginations to bring us today's Play Station 3. The Ps3 opens the door to internet connection, HD quality graphics, video streaming, and even the ability to create your own avatar in your own community that you can use to interact with fellow PS3 users across the globe. Yes this system has it all; including its fair share of problems. One of the most glaring issues stems from one of its most featured assets: the PS3 Blu-Ray player. The problems range from minuscule annoyances to all out controller flinging outrage. So if you're thinking about purchasing the Ps3 just for the Blu-Ray function, here are a few things you might want to consider.

Most of us have at one point operated a DVD player. Whether at work, a friend's house, or home we just pop that CD in the drive, sit back, and watch the show. Blu-Ray players do the same thing, put the disk in, show starts and everyone's happy. Unfortunately the Ps3's Blu-Ray does not start automatically. Why? The Blu-Ray drive doesn't start the disk if you had the Ps3 already on. Minor annoyance, yes? Now this wouldn't be so bad if you didn't have to hunt down your movie in the menu! Which I might add will be with the controller. Even for gamers like myself, there are times for remotes and times for controllers. It is very irksome to navigate a movie menu with the controller, especially since you have to dedicate both hands! Not to mention actions like ‘rewind' are made even more difficult. You have to press the triangle button (brings up a mini menu), and rewind from there. It's very easy to miss the scene you want. This could happen anyway because unlike stand alone Ps3 players, you don't have the little screen that says what chapter the movie is on. You can find that out in the menu, but you have to keep going in and out of it. The most annoying part of using the controller is the fact that you have to figure out the controls on your own. That's right, no instructions (menu or otherwise) on how to operate the Blu-Ray player with the control. Considering the Ps3 costs $300, a complimentary manual should be included. Or at least some helpful menu tips!

Overall the Ps3 as a whole (Blu-Ray included) is a magnificent product. It has almost the same quality as most other Blu-Ray players (with a nice $300 discount, as Blu-Ray players can reach up to $600+). It will take some patience, and maybe writing down the discovery's made using the controller with the Blu-Ray player. There is a guide available for download from here to fix PS3 BluRay problem. All in all, if you have the patience, the Ps3 would make a fine entertainment system.
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Tags: internet connection, fair share, quality graphics, creativity, remotes, gamers, annoyances, game developers, dvd player, imaginations, hd, avatar, outrage, blu ray, play station 3