The Best Way To Lose Weight And Keep It Off

By: sergey piterson | Posted: 13th July 2010

Losing weight is not just about looking better. Overweight people should lose weight to prevent health problems such as high blood pressure, low blood sugar, high triglycerides, bloating and possible depression. It is a known fact that overweight people are more likely to suffer from a heart attack or diabetes. Losing weight will not only make you a healthier person but it will make you feel better about you. So if you are unsure on how to lose weight, read on!

You may have already made the decision to shed that extra weight, but you may not know exactly how to lose weight and after reading all those magazines and watching all those talk shows, you may be even more confused as to what the best way to lose weight is. Well, there's no need to pull a Nicole Ritchie and do things on your own timescale. Start small at first making minor adjustments to your diet. Getting rid of certain foods cold turkey is harder to do so start by lessening your food portions and your junk food intake. Look at the food you're eating and think about whether there is a healthier choice or alternative. If there is, you know what you should be chowing on!

Another tip is to stop eating when you're full. Lots of people eat when they are bored or depressed. Snap out of this bad habit! If you feel you must snack on something, try carrot sticks (no dip!) or celery. Also watch what you're drinking. A lot of extra calories are added on by a simple glass of juice so drink plenty of fluids but make sure it's water, water, water! In between work and play, remember to get off that couch and bust a move! Get moving whether it's walking somewhere instead of taking the car or bus, or if your budget allows it, join a gym. I'm sure you've heard it a thousand times before but exercise and a healthy diet really is the best way to lose weight .

Losing weight can be overwhelming and frustrating but as long as you follow this advice on how to lose weight and remember to start small, eat healthier and be more active, then you should be on your way to that body you've always wanted. And most importantly, you'll be saving yourself from all the potential health risks that may arise!

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Tags: known fact, minor adjustments, high blood pressure, bad habit, healthy diet, junk food, losing weight, heart attack, cold turkey, best way to lose weight, food intake, bloating, timescale, low blood sugar, healthier choice, food portions, carrot sticks