I will stand by the last poor of my country says Rahul Gandhi

By: pressbrief | Posted: 12th July 2010

13 April 2009
Congress General Secretary Rahul Gandhi appealed to people of Kerala to strengthen the hands of Congress Party. Addressing a poll rally in Palakkad (Kerala), Mr. Gandhi said that Congress party has worked for the poor people of this country. He said that unlike other parties, Congress had made only one promise and it was to provide a government which would serve the poor. The party has fulfilled this.
Congress General Secretary said that UPA government launched many schemes. Employment guarantee scheme was biggest among them and millions of poor got benefit from it. He said, "whenever I go to the poorest part of UP and Bihar, people say that this is the best scheme." Mr. Gandhi said that UPA government waived Rs 60,000 crore loan of farmers. Mid-day meal was another big achievement of the government.
Mr. Gandhi said the party did so, as it thinks for the benefit of the poor. Congress believes that India can not progress until and unless the poor of this country move forward. He said, "till there is a single poor person in this country, I will stand by him".
Mentioning the GDP growth rate during five years of UPA government, Mr. Gandhi said that the GDP growth rate was above eight percent, unlike five percent growth during NDA rule. He charged NDA for being anti-poor. He said that this is the basic difference between Congress and BJP. He criticized Left government of Kerala for not implementing the Central schemes.
Congress General Secretary praised the hardworking nature of the people of Kerala. "You have transformed the deserts of Middle East and I wish to be like you" said Mr. Gandhi. He praised the achievements of Kerala in the field of education, health and maintaining peace. He recalled the strong bond between the state and his family and wished to come back very soon.

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Tags: middle east, deserts, farmers, gdp, kerala, mid day, rally, poll, education health, general secretary, congress party, rahul gandhi