Low carb recipes for you and me

By: Curtis Price | Posted: 12th July 2010

If you are a working man or woman on a low carb diet, meal times often pose a big challenge, especially lunch. On a busy workday, how on earth will you find time to go to a low carb restaurant or cook two special meals?

Low carb diets are based on the principle that a diet low in carbohydrates leads to decreased production of body's insulin, resulting in consumption of fat stores as energy source. So the easiest and greasiest options - fast food such as burgers, fries and sodas -- are a definite no-no. Low carb dieters like us often end up confused about what to eat when hunger pangs strike and end up giving in to carb cravings. To avoid these speed bumps and the ensuing guilt pangs, the best option is to plan your meals by learning about low carb recipes.


The idea is to plan, prepare and portion your low carb meals ahead of time so that you are not starving without any adequate food around. Most of us really don't have the time to cook separate meals, but you can always cook an extra serving or two during dinner and pack a low carb lunch the next day from the leftovers.

For example, chicken can be boiled, grilled or barbecued over the weekend to make a variety of meals such as chicken salad, wraps, stir fry with veggies etc. The same goes for fish and egg.

Let your imagination run wild! Use toppings, garnishes and olive oil to spice up your meals. Low carb does not mean eating bland food. You can eat pizzas too by using vegetable toppings and cheese on a low-carb thin crust!

Join a club

Low carb clubs or support groups are also a great way to meet like minded people and get some ideas for meal plans. You can swap recipes, discuss your diet plans and trade information about stores which sell low-carb snacks at the monthly meetings.

Raid the library

Do not forget the humble local library as a resource for free low carb recipes. Most libraries allow you to borrow a book for at least a month, so you have plenty of time for trial and error to figure out the best low carb recipes for you.

Google it

Thanks to the popularity of the Atkins Diet and scores of low carb enthusiasts, there are thousands of low carb recipes also available on the internet. Just key in the right search terms and explore! Many recipe sites offer a chance for members to rate recipes and comment. Do read the ratings to see which recipes taste best and suits your needs. These are given by people who have tried and tested these delicacies, saving work for you! Reading the comments is also helpful as they may offer tips and ideas for making the recipe even better.

You can check out http://www.laurelhealthfoods.com and browse through a wide variety of low carb snacks, desserts and sugar-free drinks which can be used to prepare or supplement your low-carb meals and mocktails. Popular recipe portal http://carbcontrol.allrecipes.com also lists over 1600 recipes, while http://www.lowcarbfriends.com offers a large recipe swapping forum.
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Tags: workday, diet plans, sodas, low carb diets, low carb diet, energy source, chicken salad, meal plans, hunger pangs, working man, speed bumps