Saturn Awards 2010: Exclusive – James Remar on ‘Dexter' Season 5

By: AvaGirl | Posted: 08th July 2010

James Remar's face has been familiar to
Dexter Seasons 1-3 DVD boxset fans ever since he portrayed rebel badass Ajax in Walter Hill's cult fave The Warriors. But Remar's best known performance may well be his latest - as America's favorite serial killer's dad Harry in the
Dexter Seasons 1-3 DVD boxset
smash Showtime series Dexter. I caught up with Remar at this week's Saturn Awards, and I asked him what he'd like to learn about the Dexter DVD (presumably!) departed Harry as Dexter enters its fifth season. Read what Remar had to tell me after the jump.
On whether there's are levels to Harry that we've not yet seen…
Hopefully, yeah. I'm interested Dexter DVD in playing as many levels as they care to write for. I believe that father/son relationships can be very complex and subtle. They're not black and white, and as they go on, even after the death of a parent or a separation, what you learn or what you experience from a son or a father continues, excuse the cliché, like ripples in a pond. It continues throughout your entire experience. I'm hoping we'll see a lot more of the effects, and conspiratorial aspects of their relationship.Dexter DVD set They have been adversarial quite a bit and they've come full circle with that. Now I believe we're going to see more companionship. It would just be neat if more was revealed about the guy's life with Dexter when he were in his 20's and stuff. I mean Dexter DVD boxset I enjoyed playing those scenes with Michael. I think it was in the first season we did a couple, and the second season where he played himself as a twenty-year old. And really unravel the mystery of Harry's death. Dexter DVD Is Harry really dead? That would certainly be easier for me! To enter the [present realm of the show].
Dexter Seasons 1-3 DVD boxsetThat would be great. And that's just my imagination, nobody's written it or hinted at it. I would love to go that way. Sure, that's something I'd love to do.
On whether or not he's DVD boxsetsurprised by the show's success…
No, it's a great show, and Michael is a great actor. He embodies Dexter so completely, it's difficult to imagine anyoneDexter DVD boxset else playing him. That's when you've really created an iconic character, when it's difficult to imagine anyone else playing that part. The show being liked and
DVD boxset being successful doesn't surprise me at all. I'm glad it's attracted viewers. I'm always surprised when I'm in anything that lots and lots of people see. It's kind of a surreal experience. But am I surprised that it's enjoyed by many? No. Because it's intelligent and it's also sort of satisfying on a creepy level. It satisfies on many levels.
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Tags: imagination, relationship, companionship, mystery, warriors, dad, cult, ajax, saturn, second season, fifth season, serial killer