A Beautiful Love Affair: Women and Beauty Products

By: john | Posted: 06th July 2010

Copyright (c) 2010 John Howell

It's said that Cleopatra used black and green powder to give her that signature eye look we're still copying today.

With that in mind, it's safe to say that women all over the world have long had a mild (and sometimes not so mild) obsession with beauty products.

But why? Why do we continue to hunt down new beauty products? Why do we talk about them with our girlfriends? Here are a few thoughts on our long relationship with all things beauty!

Beauty products make us feel good. The simplest reason women love beauty products is because we like being able to put on something that makes us look good. And as we all know, when you look good, you feel good too.

Having a bad day? Put on a new lip gloss. You'll get the sensation of smoother, slightly plumper lips and maybe even some mood-boosting flavor to go along with it.

Don't like your hair? Invest in a new product to straighten it, curl it, or make it defy gravity. After that, one compliment is all it takes to somehow set the world right again.

Beauty products let us try something new. For most adult women, the daily routine of work, kids, and household management leaves little time to experience something fresh and exciting. Sure, you can take a different route to work or try a new restaurant, but few things are as personal as trying a new makeup look.

It's an excuse to look at ourselves in a new way, to see a side we didn't know existed or bring back some magic that the years have slowly peeled away. And you don't even need a lot of money to accomplish this natural high. Stop by a department store makeup counter and treat yourself to a mini makeover.

Beauty products give us an edge. In a recent survey conducted by makeup and haircare brand L'Oreal, 90 percent of adult women surveyed said they felt wearing makeup gave them an advantage in the workplace.

Still more research has shown that women who take the time to apply makeup before work are seen as more professional and are often offered more opportunities at work.

Just like embracing makeup as a way to feel good, we also see it as a chance to create a professional appearance. What other product can you think of that might get you a raise?


Got to http://www.superiorbeautymakeup.com to claim your makeup pack valued at $247 for FREE. Also come down and check out our beauty products.
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Tags: excuse, little time, daily routine, compliment, department store, beauty products, sensation, makeup, gravity, adult women, girlfriends, having a bad day, l oreal, cleopatra, reason women, john howell