Ditch Those Childhood Tantrums

By: Petemedia | Posted: 06th July 2010

You know the feeling only too well, you are faced with a child that will not listen at any price and all of your disciplining plans go sailing out of the window. Driven to despair at the prospect of yet another child tantrum is a worldwide problem that many parents have to endeavor which leaves them feeling totally worthless. Day after day of regular conflicts sometimes several in one day which can leave you feeling completely stressed out and unhappy.

You probably hear the same old story from friends about how their child is still disobedient and they have tried everything to get them to behave to no avail. You hear how frustrated they are with the discipline process that seems to be getting them nowhere. Hollering loudly and making their heads throb when trying to persuade their child to listen leaves them feeling very demoralized. Is this the kind of situation you find yourself in?

Yelling and punishing your disobedient child like someone possessed may work for a short while, but you may be astonished to know that in the long run, it does not work at all. Moreover, the bad behavior is likely to return and the vicious cycle of bad behavior begins all over again.

Many products claim to turn your child from the disobedient brat to the best behaved child ever and what's more, there are literally hundreds if not thousands of products that make this claim, but do they really work?

To grow into pleasant and cordial adults, children need our assistance as parents when they are young. Raising our children the right way is our responsibility and that's the truth. However, there is a great difference between building up their confidence and causing them to have low self esteems. Instilling discipline has to be done in such a way that it promotes the former and not the latter.

When the lack of cooperation from your child drives you to distraction, screaming at and punishing your child can leave you feeling very demoralized and totally drained. In addition, not only are you setting yourself up to fail, you could well be making the worst parental mistakes that so many other parents make. The saddest part of this statement is that you may not even realize it.

Family life can become very chaotic when a child misbehaves and absolutely refuses to listen to the parent. Other members of the family are affected by the turmoil and this creates even more negativity in the home. A disobedient child who is resentful of any chastisement can take its toll on everyone in the family. Problems are compounded when any punishments given have absolutely no effect on the Childs's behavior at all and any attempt at discipline fails.

Feelings of despair is common place when you have tried to reason with your child and get them to behave in an appropriate manner, you may even begin to question your parental abilities. Parents often blame themselves when their child just will not behave properly. As a consequence, the child carries on having tantrums and you are at your wits end. Furthermore, all that are close to the child will be affected by the child's behavior and feel just as shattered as the parent when they refuse to behave.

To get back some sanity and peace in your life, it is imperative that you seek a solution that will actually work. This will allow you to feel you are back in control of your life meaning you will be a much happier parent.

Don't doom yourself to failure, free yourself of all the parental trials and tribulations that you find yourself going through by probably making the biggest parenting mistakes that the majority of us parents do which usually ends in failure.

All things considered, as a parent, you do deserve to be free from the tantrums that look as if they will go on forever relentlessly and simultaneously create a more relaxed connection with your child which will be jointly positive.

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Tags: parents, truth, avail, confidence, cooperation, discipline, adults, vicious cycle, distraction, conflicts, tantrum, bad behavior