What Can Be Learned About Dealing With Adolescents From A Parenting Ebook

By: P Naymik | Posted: 06th July 2010

As a child approaches his/her adolescent years, communicating with them can become very difficult. You can now learn how to overcome this problem with a parenting ebook.

As this time in life starts, you may notice your child becoming more argumentative, moody, and may tend to over-react to situations. The middle years of a childs development can be the hardest not only for the child, but for the parents as well. This time can cause a great deal of strain on your relationship.

Your child is going through many changes at this point in time. They are going through biological, psychological, and social changes. This will tend to make your child feel that they are out of whack. You, as a parent, may not be quite ready for this. You have to keep in mind that your child is getting older, even though they may act like they are getting younger.

This is a time in your childs life when they are expecting you to show them more respect. They may think that they know everything, and are trying to expand their boundaries. By doing so, they will push you to your limits at times.

There are ways that you as a parent can keep the emotional side of this time period to a minimum.

1) When a child comes at you, remember, don't lash out. After all you are the adult. Learn to speak to them in a calm manner. This will in turn keep the lines of communication open. When two people yell at each other, more times than not, neither tends to listen to the other. You need to demonstrate to them that you can disagree about a subject without having conflict. It is much easier to get through to your child when they listen to you, but you must listen to them as well.

2) Make sure that you are fully understanding your child. Ask them simple questions like," Is this what you are trying to say?" or " Am I hearing you right?" and repeat what they have said. This will show your child that not only are you listening to them, but that you really care. You are trying to resolve this problem in an ADULT manner. You need to acknowledge that you understand their feelings on a matter. Let them know that you feel bad when they feel bad. This will keep them from thinking you are against them.

3) When trying to resolve a problem or conflict, offer a compromise to what they want and what you want. Giving them a choice allows them to feel that they we involved in the decision making process, not just being told what to do.

This was only a scratch on the surface of what information is available to you in a parenting ebook.
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Tags: ebook, parenting, parents, point in time, time period, relationship, boundaries, simple questions, conflict, yell, emotional side, adolescent years