Family Support

By: Brian Gosur | Posted: 05th July 2010

As the young graduate approached the lectern, he started to talk about a teacher at the school, who failed to know it, but had an extreme amount of influence and support for him graduating and speaking on this day. He said to the story of of how he would ask the young man what direction he was going in his studies at the school. Initially it was engineering. The teacher would answer, "that's's a superb choice and a good direction to go. " Then the young student approached the teacher and declared that he had modified his mind and was thinking about going for a job in the field of medicine. The teacher had the same answer. With fervour he would say, "that could be a excellent choice and a good direction to go".

The young speaker paused, and with a grin on his face and a laugh in his voice, he claimed that he must have approached that teacher 100 different times with one hundred different career choices, and that teacher would always answer with the same reply.

You see, although that teacher gave the same reply all of the time, he was allowing this young man the facility to search and find the best course and direction for his life on his own. His response was a long way from being an incessant and boring reaction to his ever changing career choices. His reply recounted way more than that. He was announcing that I can support you in whatever direction you select. Where ever you go and whatever you do, I'll support and encourage your decision. I think and trust in who you are.

As a pa, I cannot remember how many times I've had to bite my tongue, ( if you knew me, you would know how hard that may be ), and let my kids choose the direction for their own lives. God has given them to us all for just a short while. We mould and shape their characters to be the way that God made them to be. Accentuate their strengths and lead them to follow a job that will be inline with who they are. That's actually a path that will lead to happiness and a successful life.

But many times, us elders can be an extremely heavy weight, that just pulls our youngsters down the wrong trail. A trail of dissatisfaction and annihilation. Just look at how high the teen suicide rate has climbed and sky rocketed during the last couple of years. Every day 14 teenagers take their own lives. Sometimes it's the only control that they can exhibit over their lives.

As our youngsters age, we deserve to be slowly, bit by bit, letting go of that rope we use to hold onto them so strongly with. As they progress and learn responsibility, let more of that rope go. Give them more space to pick for themselves. After all , how else will they learn?

I suspect that's why we have so many juvenile and unreliable youngsters in our society today. They are part of the, "gimme that", society. Every thing their little heart desired, they were given. The world was their little play thing and they could have anything they wanted.

These youngsters grow up and find out that the world isn't theirs' they're going to have to work for what they want. These are the youngsters that may fail miserably, or finish up filling our already crowded jail systems.

Do you love your kids? Don't give them all those dumb toys that stifle their minds and restrain the natural expansion of their imagination. Try giving them you. Spend a while and get to know who they are. What are they good at? What do they like? It's your responsibility to steer them while you have them. They will one day leave your house and make a trail in this world that's going to be all their own.

Will you play a giant roll in that? Will they stand at that podium at their graduation one day and say, that the largest influence and support they received in their lives came from their family and you? The mates and folks support we received, or did not, can make all of the difference in the world. It can be the gold that shines through us or the coal that darkens us for keeps.

We all need to be loved and supported. To know that someone loves me and will stand by me and support me, no matter what road I select. To trust in me and who i am. This is the family support that everybody needs. This is your roll and mine as mums and dads, grandparents, and guides for this generation.

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Brian Gosur is an entrepreneur and internet marketing coach. If you would be interested in working with Brian go to his site; Brian Gosur
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Tags: reply, job, tongue, laugh, young man, god, elders, happiness, medicine, different times, career choices, lectern