Quick Tips On Becoming A Good Parent

By: JonasMills | Posted: 05th July 2010

Which road do I have to take to rear a good child?

Not to mention, you have to start working on the baby's nursery as well. Proper parenting skills are a major requirement in this lifelong child rearing preparation process and you have to be sure that you are equipped with good parenting skills.

The process of being a new parent.

Being a parent is a life long experience. To be able to assist your child in learning how to properly cope up with life and how to face its vicissitudes, you should allow your parenting skills to kick in and let it guide you on the right path.

Here are the processes that you should know to become skilled in parenting.

- To find out answers to solving your parenting issues, you can talk to another parent whom has actually gone through that same situation with their before. There are parenting forums that are available online nowadays and some are equipped with online chat options. There are many websites about parenting and you can find nearly all solution to every type of situation out there. Try to look at how other parents have ended their issues and what their solution was and try to see if that may actually work for you.

Parenting is a never-ending job.

Parenting a child takes a lifetime. Parents seeing and watching over the years where his/her child's strikes out their own to become independent and self-aware is incomparable. Parenting is the hardest job and that applies to whether you are a first time parent or whether you already have several kids. Parenting is the most underpaid job ever and you do not even earn anything from being a parent. A younger child needs lots of attention as well as proper guidance as they are growing up.

Teach your kids self-reliance

To teach your child the value of self-sufficiency and to respect the true value of hard earned money, they will surely grow properly, this may be hard but this is a rewarding process and irreplaceable. Now that your children are adults, they too understand that everyone is responsible for the way they built their lives. A strong integrity and well developed self-esteem stretches beyond any possession and approval of their peers. Avoiding to spoil your child is your choice, but this is the most important time for you to show them and make then understand compassion, to be with them as they moved on towards adulthood.

Get more compliance from your child.

Always relate your command as a statement, and never as a your child a question - Most parents are prone to saying, "Would you like to star doing your homework now?" and other commands which should always be stated using a firm voice such as saying, "It's time to work on your homework now", which can help you gain more cooperation from your child. Your child is then less likely to oppose if he/she feels that he/she have some control of the situation when trying to gain cooperation from your child. Start to establish house rules - For instance, if your house rule is that bedtime should be at 8 pm, simply state the rule.

Common child and parent problems.

Parents have been corrected and rebuked many times before for saying "It's way different now" or by saying "Mom that happened years ago" and it seems that children make the same point as well. A lot of the lessons now are all computerized, most probably your child is more adept in using a computer than you are. Do not let fear overcome you, the joyful experience that a child can bring to their parents is enough to pay for all the hardships that you will endure in rearing a good child. Parenting may be hard for some, while it can be easy for others.

Make memories with quality family time.

Arranging family dinners actually depends on how chaotic your current family schedule is, this will then help you determine how great of a challenge it will be for you to change your current method thinking.

The following tips ensure that your family time will be stress free and will ensure that you will make your family memories last for a lifetime:

- Also, there should be a timeout for issues that have been brought up earlier and the issues should be continued at a later time which is another solution for enjoying stress memories.
- After finding that your family is now beginning to enjoy the family quality time and are beginning to look forward to your family spending more time together, they may even ask that family dinners be extended. If your family want to spend more time together by extending night time dinners, then you will know for sure that indeed good memories are made. Always remember that it's important to always start small to make family changes. Your family will need time to adapt and to absorb this new family dinning time experience. It's better to make gradual routine changes as opposed to major drastic changes that will certainly bring about all kinds of objections amongst your family. If family bonding time begins your family members feel good then they are most likely to want to experience the family bonding time again so keep the conversation light, bubbly, happy, inspirational and upbeat for the whole family.

Simple parenting techniques that tame difficult kids. Free trial.
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Tags: hard earned money, parents, job, lifetime, true value, adults, good parenting, parenting issues, self reliance, child rearing, proper guidance, parenting skills, self sufficiency, time parent