Honest Parenting

By: Jozef Krajnc | Posted: 29th June 2010

Which road do I have to take to rear a good child?

The arrival of a baby can be an overwhelming task. The arrival of a baby is just the starting preparations involved in raising a child, as we all know that parenting is actually a life long commitment.

The process of being a new parent.

You have to remember parenting is not the type of job that you can quit, whenever you don't feel like it anymore. Parenting can be compared to riding a roller coaster, where throughout the way you will experience sky high thrills and even sometimes heart breaking downhill's.

Here are the processes that you should know to become skilled in parenting.

- Not all parenting information can be processed instantly by our brains in a day. Parenting will require a lifetime of endless learning, rejoicing and even suffering before you are successful. What's important to keep in mind is that you should never give up on parenting. As long as you are open minded when it comes to parenting, you have guaranteed that you have won the parenting race already.

Parenting is a never-ending job.

Children now, regardless of their age needs help and proper guidance from you their parents. By the time your child steps out into the world at age 18, they are considered as an adult (well, in some cases this may not be applicable). Always, think before you decide to become a parent. However, there can also be a thick and crooked line of parenting if you make and if you make a mistake or bad move you will end up falling. Parenting is the hardest job and that applies to whether you are a first time parent or whether you already have several kids.

Teach your kids self-reliance

A strong integrity and well developed self-esteem stretches beyond any possession and approval of their peers. A child's independence is a important part for them to learn on how to earn what they want and be empowered to make their own true happiness. By allowing your child to experience his/her, life to its fullest on their terms within a safe boundaries level of responsibilities is considered as the greatest gift to give your child. As young as two years old, a child can start learning to do easy chores.

Get more compliance from your child.

Brainstorming with your child as opposed to focusing on what reward/s will be given after they have accomplished a task will prove that you will be rewarded with cooperation from your child. To be able to get to the next place with your child, make it fun - If your child is the type that has troubles with changes and becomes oppositional, you can ask him/her to hop like a kangaroo to the door, or even have their favorite thing waiting in the car for them thus providing cooperation from you child.

Common child and parent problems.

We never wanted to stand out like a dweeb or a sore loser to be laughed at. How hard can being parent can be? In a sense, parenting can be considered as quite easy, however when it comes down to giving advice and helping your children this is where things get difficult. Parents have been corrected and rebuked many times before for saying "It's way different now" or by saying "Mom that happened years ago" and it seems that children make the same point as well. A lot of the lessons now are all computerized, most probably your child is more adept in using a computer than you are.

Make memories with quality family time.

You do not need to perform a major makeover in starting to increase your quality time that you and your family spend together.

The following tips ensure that your family time will be stress free and will ensure that you will make your family memories last for a lifetime:

- Parents should turn off the television during dinner time so that you can focus on family conversations. During dinner, there should not be anyone talking on the cell phone or playing electronic game (except for emergencies).
- Remember that by having pleasant dinner talks it is one of the most effective and the simplest way to create family bonds/ties and this will truly make your memories last you for a lifetime. Be sure to maintain a pleasant conversation at dinnertime as well as having inspirational and upbeat conversations too. If dinnertime conversations are not pleasant, your family members will not even remember these times spent together as a family and in turn family dinners this will easily be just an activity that they don't want to participate in. If your family does not want to participate in family dinner due to unpleasant conversation, that is certainly counterproductive of quality family time.

Honest Parenting
Simple parenting techniques that tame difficult kids. Free trial.

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Tags: integrity, parenting, parents, mistake, self esteem, peers, lifetime, brains, roller coaster, age 18, possession, bad move, overwhelming task, true happiness, self reliance, proper guidance, time parent