Quality Anti-Aging Skin Care Decreases Wrinkles

By: Jessica Leebelt | Posted: 01st June 2010

Since exercise, food, water and stress all play a critical role in the health of your skin, just a few small adjustments can help you look younger, longer. If you're plagued by wrinkles and fine lines, try the following tips to improve the look and feel of your skin.

Stay hydrated. Drinking water stimulates circulation, fights acne and helps your body purge toxins that can take their toll on your body. Shoot for at least eight glasses each day.

Watch your omega-3 intake. Omega-3s are "healthy fats" that improve hydration and keep skin firm and wrinkle-free. Make sure you're getting some each day by eating lean fish, almonds and flaxseed oil.

Exercise routinely. Exercise does more than burn fat, maintain heart health and sculpt your muscles. It also provides your body with a regular boost of oxygen and essential nutrients-which help produce collagen.

Don't let stress get the best of you. Stress increases the cortisol flow in our bodies. Cortisol is a hormone that attacks wrinkle-fighting collagen, causing breakouts and skin inflammation. Because of this, chronic emotional upheaval can age the skin rapidly-and needs to be combated with stress relief techniques and anti aging skin care.

Get your beauty sleep. It's hard to say exactly how much sleep is enough because everyone is different! However, it has been discovered that many people don't get enough sleep. This can play a major role in your skin's appearance.

Selecting the Best Anti Aging Skin Care Products

While protecting your skin from UV rays, drinking adequate water and lowering stress levels are all natural steps you can take toward healthy skin, it's also important to select a skincare regimen that meets your needs. There are thousands of anti aging skin care products out there, and most promise to make you look younger and feel better. Talk to professional skin care experts with experience in the industry to discuss your skin's needs. Seek peer-reviewed and clinically proven products to help your skin
attain a youthful, radiant glow with lasting results. Combine this with a healthy lifestyle, and you will turn back the clock for your skin!
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Tags: stress relief, aging skin care, anti aging skin care, stress levels, essential nutrients, flaxseed oil, skin inflammation, omega 3, skin care products, skin care experts, omega 3s, aging skin care products, skincare regimen, beauty sleep