The Best Video and Music Applications for the iPhone

By: RobertMelkk | Posted: 27th May 2010

The iPhone is probably more well known for its added on features that make it more than just a phone but a great media device as well. One of the best things to use your phone for is multimedia capabilities provided such as video and music.

The first app is Pandora which is a completely free download. Pandora makes it so that you don't have to put music on the phone directly in large amounts. Pandora works by you inputting an artist or song into it while the database searches for similar music that you may end up loving. It is a great way to find new artists and to keep space free on your iPhone at the same time. Everyone who loves music and has an iPhone should definitely use Pandora if not as the main source of music but to find new music to download.

Slacker is another free application that can help you listen to radio stations that are provided. You can customize these stations to suit your tastes but the problem with this app is that connectivity to the network is absolutely necessary in order for it to function. This is due to Apple disallowing caching music. Some other smart phones have the ability to do this but it is a drawback of the iPhone. is yet another free music application similar to Pandora. Your station on the system beings by you adding an artist or a few and then the database is searched to find similar song artists and titles to your station. You can modify the songs that play and customize your radio station in this manner. There are a multitude of different modifications such as looking at the biography of the artist, add them to your favorites playlist, and see when they are going on tour. You can also watch and see what your friends are listening to as well.

It seems that a multitude of the video and music applications are free and is another one that follows this trend. serves to provide television shows that are carried through CBS as opposed to watching snippets through other websites such as youtube. Some of the possible television shows to watch are MacGuyver, CSI, or even Big Brother among many others. Sometimes it can be difficult to use and quite buggy so you will need patience to use it.

Shazam is a program that can help you discover who is currently playing on the radio. Sometimes it can be frustrating when you are listening to the radio and you don't know who is playing. Occasionally the DJ doesn't even mention who it is so you have to wait to find out until you hear the song again. Shazam will allow you to use a quick snippet of the song and then identify the artist and title of this song. It has noise cancellation so it can be used in noisy places. The only drawback is that it can take quite a bit of time to identify the song.

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Tags: drawback, snippets, multimedia capabilities, multitude, connectivity, radio stations, radio station, tastes, main source, television shows, smart phones, playlist, free music, new music, pandora, free application, iphone, music application