How to Choose the Best iPhone Music Applications

By: RobertMelkk | Posted: 27th May 2010

The iPhone is something that is prized by many individuals who use it for their everyday activities. These mean the phone is used for more than just talking but listening to music, downloading applications, gaming, and so much more. Man y people use their iPhone as a music player and these can be combined with applications to make the device even more useful than it already is.

First the iPhone needs to be ready to actually download the applications to utilize them. This is as simple as connecting to the wi-fi provider and searching the database of applications available. The application just needs to be downloaded and then once it appears on the home screen it can be utilized. It does not appear on the home screen for usage until it has been rebooted though. All applications are downloaded and utilized in this manner so if you have experience with other apps then this should be quite simple to accomplish as a task.

The first application that should be considered is called Gigbaby. It allows a variety of drum patterns and metronome patterns as well. It is a cheap application for only 99 cents. It also has four individual tracks which make it useful and fun to play with.

Another great musical application is Beatmaker. This allows people to put samples into the application and allows recording as well. It also is unique in that it offers the ability for users to have fun modifying the groove of songs. One of its high selling points is the metronome it features which is amazing in quality. The program has small amounts of latency which allow for live playing and beats to be additionally created. The tempo of a song is quite easy to determine through use of this application. Tempo is completed through tapping.

An application that allows even more fun and games is the Touch OSC. It is relatively cheap and only costs $3.99. It works as a remote for other applications also allows the user to make it a fader as well. The synthesizers are also utilized in the application.

Some other applications which can add additional use to the iPhone are Noise Trio which is a synthesizer which adds extra unique sounds. iKoto allows your phone to be used as a Japanese instrument. MiniSynth also allows the phone to be used as a synthesizer like many others. Ocarina allows you to also play the iPhone as an instrument. Soft synthetics can be played by downloading and utilizing the iTM Midi Lab. PocketGuitar is an application that allows the phone to be used similar to the whammy bar on a guitar. The strings can actually be bent just like when using a real instrument. iDrum uses the touch screen of the iPhone to its maximum capacity.

If any of these sound interesting you ought to check them out. The iPhone store is also a great place to find extra applications which may increase how the phone is used and how much fun you can have with it too.

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Tags: oth, groove, tempo, apps, wi fi, everyday activities, metronome, listening to music, music player, fun and games, iphone