An Introduction to Canvas stretchers and canvas stretcher bars

By: Editor123 | Posted: 25th May 2010

If there is something that has not yet changed despite all technological advancements and progress, it is the image of an artist. Try imagining an artist for a second and you will not see a geek sitting in front of a computer (though computers are heavily being used these days). What you will visualize is a serene face lost deep in creative imagination, painting master strokes on a canvas with full confidence and control. The more imaginative of us may also see the muse sprawl on a couch with perfect poise and controlled randomness. What we all will definitely see, though we may not mention it initially, are the canvas stretchers. In fact, canvas stretchers bars are as indispensable to the scene as the sight of players when we imagine a baseball match going on in full swing.

What are canvas stretchers?

These bars are basically the wooden bars which are arranged to make a frame on which the artist can put his canvas for creative pursuits like oil painting or intricate needle work. The job of canvas stretchers bars is to keep the canvas taut and stretched so that undue wrinkle or folding do not mar or hamper the progress of artwork. In fact, many artists leave their finished and unfinished work on these bars to dry out or to complete later when they need to work on it. Typically, staples are used to attach the sides of the canvas on these bars, which are especially rounded-off for the purpose, and this keeps the surface of the canvas smooth and stretched.

Different shapes of canvas stretcher bars

Author Info :-

The article is contributed by a professional article writer, having experience working in different industries. For further information on canvas bar, stretcher bars and art stretcher bars visit

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Tags: match, artwork, different shapes, staples, oil painting, geek, creative imagination, full swing, muse, poise, randomness, technological advancements, rectangular shapes