Local Searches Helps save My Face

By: Daniel | Posted: 24th May 2010

It was the night before my best friend's wedding and I was all set with the dress, shoes, and make-up. I had to catch a plane to Austin, Texas and arrived in the sultry city at around noon, exactly five hours before the wedding began.

I checked into a lovely hotel and began to arrange all of my things on the bed. My dress was there, my shoes sparkled, but my cosmetics bag was gone! The bag that had held my lipstick, eyeliner, and hot iron, as well as all my hair care products was not there. I felt devastated as I looked at the ticking clock and realized that there was no way I could go out and replace these much needed items on time.

That's when I remembered a local yellow page directory, which had been a service to me in past jams. Logging online, I used the city directory and selected Austin. Under the Personal Services listings, I found a vast list of Beauty Salons in Austin that specialized in hair and make-up. There, I found the Carpe Diem salon located in downtown Austin. I called and made an emergency appointment.

After explaining my extreme time crunch, they allowed me to come within the hour and in a matter of moments, I was relaxing in a chair while kind young women cut my hair, styled it, and then applied a rich array of wonderful cosmetics. I was so grateful to these stylists that I told them all about how I had just flown in and found them on a local search engine and how I could not express my thanks enough.

In a sleek and trendy environment, I was transformed into the perfect bridesmaid leaving me enough time to go back to my hotel, greet other flustered guests, and help the bride out with her case of cold feet and jitters.
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Tags: local search, dress shoes, lipstick, jitters, cold feet, hair care products, hot iron, bridesmaid, beauty salons, time crunch, eyeliner, matter of moments