Digital Photography Balance And Scheme Editing Tips

By: Dan Feildman | Posted: 24th May 2010

My color is off balance and the variations of the colors do not have the scheme I intended. No problem!!! Do you have a software program that manipulates pictures or images? If so, get your computer fired up, open up that program, and follow instructions. Just kidding, I like to have a bit of humor after writing scores of articles all day without any breaks in between. Hope you don't mind.

Okay, you have a picture that is off balance, the color needs adjusting and the variations need a scheme. Assuming you have Photo Deluxe you can open the dialogue box that is labeled Quality - Color Balance. You will see a gray box in the window and at the top; you will see a Color Level with little boxes and numbers inside. Down below you will see Cyan - Magenta - and Yellow respectively with each little labeled color having its own slider. You will notice to the right of the box a label Ok and Cancel. You will see a checked box with alongside the area.

From here, the rest is basically on you. You will need to drag those sliders either left or right to adjust the colors. Only you can see the picture, therefore you know what areas you want to adjust. You will notice the changes as the numbers box will change the value of your colors. If you don't like the colors, you will need to adjust them accordingly.

You can use the Variations box to adjust the schemes. Go for the Quality command. You can use the thumbnails to adjust the colors scheme. You can also use the Variations box to change the colors, as you like.

Note: If you use thumbnails to adjust colors, be sure you watch closely what colors the images are changing too. For example if you use too much cyan it will alter the color distastefully, or else not enough. Depends on the photo.

Photoshop has automatic tools that readjust the images; however, the programs often adjust at their own likings. You want to get acquainted with the manual tools in your editing programs so that you can adjust your images as you please.

You can also take advantage of the Blur command, which will alter your images bringing more focus on the copy. The Blur will sharpen your images, as you like if you use the command properly.

There is a help menu available in all programs, therefore if you come to a stump be sure to take advantage of these features. The help menus provides you detailed instructions for operating all functions provided in your program. You will be amazed at what some of these editing tools will do for your images.

You can also scan the Internet to locate detailed steps in performing editing jobs on images. I haven't done this yet, but I am quite show information is available to you as needed.

Photo Deluxe provides you with tools to sharpen images as well. There are three options that will automatically sharpen your image. Be aware that the automatic adjusts as it sees fit, however it might rearrange your photo to the quality level undesirable to you. You can use either Effects or Sharpen to make adjustments to the picture. You can use your Un-sharp Mask filters in Photo Deluxe to adjust your images as well.

You can also use Radius, Threshold, and Amount to make some changes to your images as you like. Tip:- I recommend that you take a picture you do not want and practice in any editing software before using a picture you truly want to change.

One of the best digital photography tips I could give you right now would be to head straight over to and download the FREE report that reveals insider Professional tips and tricks for taking the most awesome photos with your digital camera.

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Tags: variations, images, colors, software program, humor, dialogue, color balance, quality color, sliders, slider, likings