Select the Organic Way for Younger Looking Skin

By: Lindelle Jones | Posted: 21st May 2010

It may be dangerous to believe skin care products do not contain any harmful substances, therefore it would be advisable to learn what terms in the ingrediants list exactly mean.

When you hear the word "natural", please understand that the substance has come straight from nature; there is no interference by man. Organic would relate to something that has been derived from living matter. A simple example would be vegetables grown organically with the aid of compost and so on. Herbal is used for products that come from herbs. Skin care that is related to natural and organic ways is absolutely beneficial, as compared to treatment with artificially-manufactured products.

Surprisingly, global warming and skin are closely related. With the atmosphere getting more and more polluted, free radicals are having a fine time. They enter your body and cause havoc from within. The result is visible on your external appearance; your skin looks haggard, and you look like you have aged before your time. Your salvation lies in anti-aging beauty products.

In this scenario, it is imperative that manufacturers convey the right information to their consumers. Many times, the labels on products are rather ambiguous and give no clue to their contents. What if terrible side effects occur and the skin is badly affected, or the promised results do not show up? Who is to blame then?

At the same time, manufacturers cannot be pressurized to put warning labels on all their products; after all, they are in business for a profit. The ideal compromise would therefore be to give a clear idea about the ingredients within each product, what benefits they can issue and what side effects can occur for hypersensitive skin. You, as the customer, make your choice based on what you have read.

Some kind of consensus has to be reached between researchers, concerned authorities and manufacturers, so that a gullible public is not put at risk. Stricter regulations need to be enforced, because those who offer beauty products on sale are duty bound to protect the skin and health of consumers like you.

On the other hand, you need to be a bit more responsible too. The Net offers so much; just browse and acquaint yourself with ingredients that are added to varied skin care products. If you go shopping, armed with the right knowledge, then no one can dupe you. You will be doing your skin a favor by not ill-treating it.

You will realize that products containing artificial fragrances or artificial preservatives, paraffin or alcohol—cannot really do much for your skin. They are toxic for your skin. Yes, they may give the appearance of hiding the defects present on your skin; what they are actually doing is blocking up your pores. When moisture does not reach the deeper layers of your skin, it becomes dry and gives an aged appearance.

Therefore, go in for those products that contain natural substances or organic materials. You will never complain of side effects then. They will not only keep the skin moist, but also remove toxins and defects. There is rejuvenation of collagen and elastin protein fibers. As new cells are produced, your skin will tighten and you end up looking years younger than your age!


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Tags: clue, atmosphere, skin care, compromise, consensus, free radicals, beauty products, vegetables, compost, global warming, warning labels, skin care products, harmful substances, interference, authorities, herbs, external appearance