Reasons 'Clean Energy' Should Be in the Minds of Property Owners

By: Greenenergy | Posted: 17th May 2010

Lowering electric utility costs is a vital concern if you are a leasing a commercial or residential property. So have you carefully reviewed your clean energy options? It may interest you that China most aggressive implementer in the installation of solar heating tubes for heating domestic water. Many roof spaces in China are used to provide residential dwellings with most of their heating requirements. In China, there is an estimated 30 million solar heating systems, currently installed. This has significantly lowered not only electricity bills for tenants or residents, and energy costs for real estate owners, but the volume of air pollution in the country too.

Previously, many of us have thought that solar energy applications for residences and apartment buildings were only for producing solar electricity. But today solar energy is being widely used for heating water . Moreover, even national governments have recognized the economic and social benefits for their country, if more and more people started using clean energy alternatives. Hence, excellent financial incentives were made available for people who implement solar heating systems and PV panels in their residential properties and commercial office buildings.

Today, the average property owner and lesser can get local, state, and federal tax credits. Property owners can also avail of accelerated depreciation. Hence, they won't have to wait for several years in order to reap the financial incentives of using solar electricity and solar water heating equipments. As a matter of fact, most property owners are able to get a return on their invested capital as early as two years, with the average property owner getting a full return within five years time.

But it is important to keep in mind that current clean energy source, like wind energy and solar electric power are still incapable of supplying the complete electricity required by the commercial or residential building owner. Efficacy of solar cells, their heat storage, and conversion rates, still need to be improved. For instance, a common photovoltaic panel will lose efficiency when temperatures exceed 75 F. Plus, some of the solar technologies, like the amorphous panels, can just convert seven percent of the radiation they receive from the sun. And with wind power, at a minimum a 10 mph wind is required for electric power to be produced.

The use of clean energy through 'net metering' can also provide resident and commercial property owners the opportunity to earn extra money or credit by putting in their excess stock of electricity into the public power grid. For instance, a building owner puts in a few small wind turbines on his rooftop, and due to 3-4 of great wind conditions, he generates a greater quantity of electricity than his tenants need. The building owner can then feed into the power grid, his surplus or unused energy for this period. And for this, the property owner will be given a check or credit by their public electric company.

Therefore, with clean energy there are many means that people can use 'clean energy' to get extra revenue. It may require a bit of work and research and initial investment on the solar equipment and installation, however, the payback period is going to be quite short; and the benefits to our natural environment are more than the value of your investment.

Craig Axelrod is VP of Business Development for Emmy Energy, a NY solar power company offering solar heating tube systems & solar panels throughout the North East.
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Tags: electricity bills, financial incentives, apartment buildings, solar electricity, solar cells, solar water heating, pv panels