How Steam Cleaning Can Be a New Clean Technology For Cleaning?

By: pdaisy | Posted: 14th May 2010

Cleaning traditionally has been a process that involves the use of chemicals, but with steam cleaning, you have an option to clean clothes without the use of chemicals, resulting in an eco-friendly way of cleaning up clothes.

The use of chemicals and detergents in getting rid of bacteria on clothes and utensils has been well-documented. Did you know though that the use of chemicals may have an adverse effect on the environment too? With steam cleaning though, you can beat out of this disadvantage, without breaking into a sweat.

How does steam cleaning work?

Steam cleaning works on the basic principle of, wiping off all the slime and dirt with the help of steam. Scientifically, it is proven that the bacteria present in dirt can be eliminated with the help of steam. Devices that emit hot water under the application of very high pressure are used in steam cleaning. The amount of pressure exerted through the devices ensures that the dirt gets blasted away, completely from the fabrics.

The benefits of using steam cleaning

Though it is slightly more expensive than manual cleaning, which is often accomplished with the help of adding detergents and other chemicals, it is still considered an effective mode of cleaning fabric. Importantly, you don't need to use any chemicals in the cleaning process at all and yet wash away all the dirt and slime that could have accumulated on the fabric.

The fact that steam cleaning minimizes the use of chemicals means this technique could be used for any indoor cleaning activity, as it wouldn't contribute to the pollution levels in your home at all.

If you suffer from allergies to any chemicals, you could safely use steam cleaning as an alternative, because using this system doesn't subject you to inhaling any chemicals at all.

Places you could use steam cleaning

Of course, fabrics are the first things that come to mind, as they accumulate dirt very fast. Apart from that, you could use steam cleaning on thin plastics and select upholstery too. That being said - Sanitation is not the only area where steam cleaning is used.

You could also clean walls and ceilings, windows, window frames, and kitchen appliances.

Additionally, steam cleaning can also be used to defrost freezers, polish jewelry and to dust and mist live plants.

Things to know before you take to steam cleaning

Cleaning with the application of steam requires you to invest some money in buying devices that could do this task. It is important for you to consider the budget and the complexity of the device that could be used for the activity.

You must also know the ease with which you can use the device, once you buy it. The impacting factors concerning the ease of use could be the size of the device, which further depends on where you want to use this device. Normally, these devices for homes are much smaller in size than the ones to be used in a business setting.

Clearly, the use of steam in cleaning off dirt from fabrics seems to be a user-friendly way of wiping off all the dirt and slime. Steam cleaning is a relatively nascent concept, but its working would surely ensure a fair share of popularity in days to come. These appliances have been used in Europe for a long time now and are very popular. In the years to come, the popularity of these appliances could see a spike in other parts of the world.

Daisy Parol is an ardent supporter of renewable alternative energy solutions and has championed the cause at various levels. She has also supported various alternative energy projects. Additionally, she is also an ardent writer on the latest happenings in the domain of alternative energy. Visit Clean Technology News to know more about the latest happenings and events in the clean technology domain.
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Tags: fabric, allergies, clothes, bacteria, basic principle, hot water, slime, dirt, chemicals, fabrics, detergents, adverse effect, system doesn, sweat, plastics, steam cleaning, utensils, pollution levels