How to Build Confidence in Kids

By: Simon John | Posted: 11th May 2010

Kids at early stage of education feel strange surroundings whether first day of school or going somewhere as guest.Typically the attitude of parent towards their kids is "Can Do". Their intension is to keep themselves bold to face challenges of life and more importantly to believe in them.

Sometimes parents don't know that all kids are not of the same nature, some need special guidance to build strong confidence in them.

  • The confidence start lifting when your kid gets competent to do which he really wants. Or you can say it is not due to parents' encouragements but due to kid's competency to do. Appreciating or encouraging words are good for bring up confidence but your kid likes to hear more when he achieve something.

  • Whether kids get learnt to polish their shoes, able to press their clothes or whatever they achieve, it is more than what you are looking to instill in your kids.

  • The sense of "I Can Do It" starts rising from a very early stage, when a baby learns how to drink milk or when a little one starts walking. The level of their confidence always keeps building by the time they seek new things. In other words the confidence of your kid goes beside the level of learning and adopting new things.

  • An important point here is to encourage your kid whether he does mistakes time and again. As while doing mistakes, your kid may feel lack of motivation and may not try again. Give positive comments, appreciations and rewards when you see your kid seeks new things or even try with full passion. You being a parent must take responsibility to keep expanding the skills of your kid.

  • Providing your kids with maximum chances of learning and giving them a safe space is one of the core steps you can take to build their confidence but don't try to handle everything at your own. Just show directions and then let your kid do himself. It is not possible that he will not do mistake but tackle him in a sensible way.

  • For example, your kid wants to cook some dish and asks you to give him a try. Provide him all the ingredients and let him start. He will must do mistake, don't criticize but teach him in a gentle tone. As your kid watches you making the dish ready, he will be more confident to cook in a right way.

  • Keep encouraging and interesting your kid as he does mistake and try to minimize his frustration. Trying again and again will bring a successful end and so your kid will be able to overcome mistakes. Once he successfully achieves something, reward him which he think is important. But never go to present him a gift which creates bad habits in your kid. Books interest kids a lot but there are kids specific books such as comic books also known as comics. You can choose any of categories like comic books about disease awareness for kids, medical comic books for kids, cartoon comic books, educational comic books and so on.

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    Tags: parents, attitude, guidance, shoes, rewards, passion, confidence, dish, first day of school, education, important point, clothes, encouraging words, competency, lack of motivation, appreciations, intension