Why A Diet For Candida Will Work For You

By: Sam Samson | Posted: 11th May 2010

Most people have heard about a diet for Candida, but what is it and how does it work?

The diet for Candida involves 3 stages that will assist you in two ways;

1)To help to eradicate the Candida fungus.

2)You will be able to isolate the foods your system is allergic to and prevent further infections happening by healing your system faster.

Stage one of the diet for Candida

Stage one is the most critical as there is where we cut the feed supply to the Candida and remove the foods that could be stressing our immune system.

It basically excludes any food which has; sugar, yeast, carbohydrates (refined or otherwise), gluten, dairy, wheat, grains or mold, must be removed from your diet. Fermented foods like soy sauce, vinegar and alcohol are also out.
The general rule here is if that there is doubt avoid it

So what can you eat on stage one of the Diet for Candida?

All your leafy green veges are fine - think kale, lettuce, cabbage, silverbeet, broccoli, cauliflower, brusselsprouts etc
Add some color with red, yellow or orange peppers.
Courgettes, cucumbers, squash
Lean meat, chicken and fish.
Omega oils - Essential fatty acids are essential
There is debate over whether whole grains, cottage cheese and natural yogurt are OK during stage one.

The best advice here is to go with what feels right for you. If you want to take your flax oil with a tablespoon of yogurt then you go for it!

You will need to be on this stage of the diet for at least two weeks. For severe infections four weeks is the recommended minimum.

Stage two of the Diet for Candida

Now that our system has had a chance to heal, it is time to slowly reintroduce some basic foods back into our diet.The trick to this stage is to note how you react to the food when it is reintroduced. If when you eat a food you get a reaction then you need to stop eating that food again for at least two weeks.

Stage three of the Diet for Candida

Congratulations! You have done it, you can now enjoy most foods without fear of how your body will react!. Most people find that the dietary changes that they have made in the previous stages become permanent. But the beauty of stage three is that you can go out for dinner, have a pizza or two or even resume your fish n chip night without worrying about the consequences!

Sandy and Phil are a regular Mom and Dad. They have four kids and are on an average income. Check out how they cope with the Candida diet here - The How To Cure Candida Experiment

How long should we be on the diet for Candida?

The general consensus is that if you have a mild case, with few or no symptoms, then six weeks should be enough. For severe or systemic cases then you may need to aim for at least two years.
Truth be told, most people find that they are more than comfortable to include parts of the diet for Candida in their staple diet permanently.

Will the diet for Candida cure me?

The diet for Candida will help to kill the fungus and remove any foods that may be triggering an immune response from you. You will begin to feel much healthier as a result. But to completely heal from the damage done by the fungus and regain full health you need to add a regime of antifungal and nutritional supplements. These will help to heal tissue damage and help the liver and kidneys flush out the toxins left by the Candida.

Do you want to know which supplements are the best for killing Candida? How the times that we take them can alter their effectiveness?

Want to know how the foods we eat in a diet for Candida can even help with a heavy metal and parasite detox?
To learn more go to www.thebestcandidacures.com

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Tags: lettuce, cauliflower, broccoli, lean meat, kale, essential fatty acids, flax, flax oil, whole grains, cottage cheese, stage one, meat chicken, candida, soy sauce, natural yogurt, candida fungus