Living Together In Divorce-Whatever Happened To A Good Old Fashioned Divorce?

By: Linda E Cole | Posted: 10th May 2010

Are you and your husband considering a divorce? This is a worrying time for anyone in this situation but what makes it even harder for some is the financial mess that may come because of it. With houses not always selling well and people out of jobs the prospect of splitting up the family and paying for everything would be a nightmare to many.

The fact that you want to divorce is painful enough but add to that the stress of the unknown future and you can see why a lot of couples are opting for a different way.

I am talking about couples that are staying together because they believe they cannot afford to split up. Some of these do not want their children to lose our just because mum and dad are parting.

Would you be able to live with your husband and kids in the family home until things seemed more manageable? There would be a lot of things to consider like how it would affect the children and how would you be able to co exist under the circumstances.

Trying to weigh up the options has not been hard for some families who have chosen to live together during and after a divorce because their situations have not improved. Are we seeing a brand new and daring alternative to the divorce courts?

Of course it would be hoped by many that this arrangement were able to put the marriage back on track but there are people quite happy just to stay living together regardless. As a wife and a mother your priority would be to the children and their future well- being so all the possibilities would need to be thought thru carefully.

With times as hard as they are the option of living together in divorce may look very attractive to some. The thought of having to sell the family home and try to fund two separate households may be an almost impossibility. A tough decision to make maybe but for a lot of married couples with a relatively low income matched with a mortgage and mounting debts it may be a practical solution.

Instead of racing off to the divorce courts with no thought or care for the future is it possible you could take the time to settle the family debts and organize the sale of the house? All those bad feelings could be avoided if you had to remain under one roof for a time. The future of your children would be a huge weight on the shoulders of a divorcing couple. Some time to prepare and ensure that they will not be compromised by a radical split. With so many people chosing not to have an old fashioned divorce but remaining together till times are better. What will become of divorce in say five years from now. They say change is good but what of the immense changes going on around divorce. There is an alternative and it gives an option to couples struggling as it is.
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Tags: possibilities, priority, circumstances, nightmare, jobs, stress, debts, mortgage, married couples, households, marriage, impossibility, practical solution, mum and dad, financial mess