Tips for Landscape and seascape photography

By: arvind | Posted: 10th May 2010

Landscape and seascape photography are great fun to explore. It keeps you fit, adventurous; it is quite relaxing as most of the time you are in the beautiful sight and also it is quite rewarding when you get the appreciation of your work.

The wide angle lens are the necessity for all the photographers but when it comes to the landscape or seascape photographer, then it is even more required as it is an important tool which allow to take more than a thing in one photograph n if it is used correctly, it can actually help the viewer to feel that they are stepping into a photo itself. So let us see few tips which would help us to click good photos.

Advantages of using wide lens
The main benefit of the wide angle lens is that it can take the vast amount of the information in just single shot. Also the furthermost advantage of a wide angle lens is that it has a great depth of the field. If you require taking an image which is in the focus from a foreground to a background and you wish to take the scenery in the shot then you can use the wide angle lens.

Disadvantages of using wide lens

As a seascape or a landscape photographer, you should be aware of all the faults of your lenses. Wide angle lens are mainly prone towards vignetting, especially if you are heaping the lots of filters on the top of your wide angle lens, as it causes the corner of the photograph darker as compared to the rest of your photograph. So somewhere it may look attractive but somewhere it can also spoil your amazing photograph. Also it would provide very less zoom ability.

Spend some time on researching the place; also look at the work of the people who have clicked some great seascape and landscape photography. Just be different from the people. Try some new places, do not stay with the same shot that everyone is clicking, try something different.

Neutral density filter
Usually the neutral density lens is utilized to blur the water or to keep on the shutter of your camera unlock for the longer time than the normal time. So why do we need to this? Well it would help us to click the photos where we can easily hold the shutter open for the longer time and we can easily get the ‘misty' water effect. The neutral density filter comes in many numbers, so if the number is higher than you need to open your lens for long time, which actually means the water would be more blurred.

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Tags: benefit, faults, photo, photograph, photos, photographers, scenery, landscape photography, single shot, foreground, zoom, beautiful sight, shutter, wide angle lens