People Born After the World War II

By: nuscheysmith | Posted: 28th April 2010

Baby boomers are the persons who were born during Post World War II baby boom. "Baby boomer" is occasionally used for cultural context, at times used for describing a person that was born at the time of post-WWII baby boom. So, it is not possible to attain a wide consensus of a particular definition, even inside the given territory.

Generally speaking, baby boomers were associated to a negative response or redefinition of the traditional values. Though, there are many commentators who have disputed to the extent of rejection, noting that the pervasive continuity of the values of older together with younger generations.

In North America and in Europe, boomers were commonly associated with the privileges as lots of them grew up on the time of privilege circumstances. In groupings, they have been the healthiest and the wealthiest generation during that time, and they were the first who genuinely grew up anticipating the word to change and improve within time.

Another unique feature by the Boomers was their tendency of considering themselves as the special generation and very far from those who had come prior to them. In 1960's, as large numbers of those young people had become teenagers and then young adults, together with those people around them have made a very definite rhetoric surrounding the cohort and changes that they were about to bring into.

This rhetoric has had important impact to the self perception of the boomers the same as their penchant for defining the world into the generation terms that are somewhat new phenomenon. These baby boomers have been described as the "shock wave" and "the pig in the python".

Scheygen is a simple woman that loves to explore and share things through writing. She loves to share her knowledge to the users who care to understand everything about Baby Boomers and Aging.
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Tags: continuity, rejection, large numbers, baby boomers, world war ii, negative response, groupings, young adults, rhetoric, baby boomer, commentators, penchant, traditional values