Strictly For Kids - Personal Development Awareness Exercises

By: Gary McGeown | Posted: 22nd April 2010

It's never too early to start on the path to personal development awareness. In fact, children and young kids have been found to be more receptive to this process, and stand to enjoy the benefits of self-awareness at the earliest possible time. If you want your children to know themselves early, here are some home activities that you can do to get started.

1. "I, Me My Shoebox": Ask the kids to find their own shoe boxes to decorate, using any material that they want to use. When their individual boxes have been decorated, ask them to put their favorite stuff inside the box, such as toys, photos, books, and other items. Gather the kids together and give them airtime to open their boxes and show and tell.

2. "My Very Own Poster." Provide the kids with a piece of poster board and tell them that they can do whatever they want on the poster, provided that the poster should tell other people all about themselves. Give them examples, like pasting photos, making scrapbooks, making collages or drawing on the board.

3. "Best in ____". Have a certificate or award ready to be given out to the kids every day for simple achievements or accomplishments. When you give them out, make sure what the award is for, as this would further inspire them to know themselves and do better.

4. Self-Portrait. Provide the children with a piece of paper, some pens, crayons, water color or colored pencils. Ask them to draw a portrait of themselves using these art materials. Here's the twist: they should draw themselves in the way that they think others see them. Give each of the kids some time to explain their portraits afterwards.

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Gary McGeown;
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Tags: pens, piece of paper, self portrait, portraits, crayons, poster board, airtime, personal development, water color, self awareness, young kids, toys, colored pencils, shoe boxes, art materials, collages