The Simplest Way To Stop Thinning Hair By Using Laser Hair Restoration Technology At Home

By: Af Riaz | Posted: 16th April 2010

Hair loss is unfortunately a symptom that effects over Eighty million American men and women. Hair loss is something that can be credited to a wide array of external factors. Factors that impact hair loss such as your daily eating habits, drug treatments that you may be taking, a hereditary thinning hair problem, vitamin deficiency, menopause, health problems, and emotional tension to name but a few. In a world where looks are everything those that suffer from thinning hair will tell you that it may well have a big impact on their self-esteem, their image, moods and may make them feel less appealing towards the opposite sex. For women, it is even tougher to deal with. With such a substantial section of the population suffering from the effects of hair loss I have just talked about, it is expected that companies will try to take advantage of such a needy market. The vast majority of these remedies for receding hairlines won't stop thinning hair. At this time there is one ground breaking item however, that could just turn out to be your quintessential thinning hair remedy and end up being the best hair loss product you've ever employed.

The HairMax Laser Comb looks like just one of those things that must be too good to be true.
Ok, what makes this particular item different? Well, it's FDA approved for one. This signifies that this item has gone through scientific tests and gained the US FDA seal of approval for the promotion of hair regrowth - a particularly high professional recommendation indeed. Even Time Magazine noticed the advantages of LaserComb, featuring the invention within the December 4, 2000, "Inventions of the Year" issue. What greater praise can you get?!

Comb this exclusive laser comb through your thinning locks and it will start to grow back again. It can perform on male pattern baldness, stopping hair loss and in fact boosting the hair regrowth mechanism. There's loads of scientific information but in essence the laser effects the hair follicle and the end result is laser hair regrowth.
With benefits noticeable in as little as twelve weeks, very minor effort and no side effects the initial expense appears like a no-brainer!

How Does It Work?

The LaserComb has been made with both comfort and convenience in mind. To turn on the LaserComb, push the power button and then the laser button on the front of the
unit. Next, place the LaserComb flat on your head utilizing the two rows of teeth. Rather than continually shifting the device through your hair (as you would with a normal brush or comb), you should use a glide technique by placing the LaserComb on a specific spot on your head and gently gliding it again about 0.5-inches every single time the audible four-second beep occurs. Move from the front of one's hairline to the back of your head, then repeat the process moving in the opposite direction. The glide technique is the best way to ensure that the LaserComb will be as efficient as possible. In addition to being very simple to operate, this device is also a relaxing and enjoyable solution to utilize. The Laser Comb only needs to be utilized just Three times per week (10-15 minutes per therapy). It is simple and easy!

Several Reasons Why You'll Want the HairMax LaserComb:

1) Grows more hair! Reduces hair loss and results in laser hair restoration.
2) Uncomplicated to utilize. Only 10 to 15 minutes, 3 times a week for optimum benefits.
3) User satisfaction is high! Over 90% of all users are satisfied with the results achieved
4) No more going to hair care clinics. The LaserComb is created to be applied in the privacy of your own house.
5) Thicker, fuller, healthier looking hair and works at all stages of hair loss.
6) Device is unisex so both male and females can use it to strengthen their hair and stop thinning hair. Very worthwhile if a couple are both experiencing hair loss.
7) Appealing, ergonomic design having a high-tech feel. Created to fit the hand like a brush, the LaserComb is lightweight and simple to hold.
8) Certified and totally safe. Complies with USA laser safety standards, without risk of negative side effects.
9) Infinite Customer Support Friendly representatives are standing by 24 hrs a day.
10) Worldwide delivery available. Comes with a universal power transformer.

If you are still uncertain just bear this last fact in mind - The HairMax LaserComb is just one of only Three products authorised by the FDA in the USA to treat hair loss. It is the ONLY solution which is not drug based and users all over the world are reporting outstanding results for hair regrowth. Make certain you are one of them!

For hair loss reviews for both male as well as female hair loss treatments along with extensive advice be sure you visit

Af is a fellow sufferer of hair loss and highly recommends the revolutionary HairMax Laser Comb to stop thinning hair. For a review of the device and to view articles on mens and womens hair loss please check out
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Tags: time magazine, external factors, seal of approval, hair follicle, vitamin deficiency, male pattern baldness, stopping hair loss, hair regrowth, hair loss product, emotional tension, american men, hair problem