The Ugly Betty Season Finale

By: Cherry Vasquez | Posted: 16th April 2010

As the series enters the fourth season, Betty is finding her new job as Mode's associate features editor a challenge now that Matt is her new boss. At first, Matt treats Betty cruelly because of his jealousy of Henry and is upset that she still looks up to Daniel. However, after he ruined Betty's chances to land an interview, Matt opened his eyes and realized how he was treating Betty. But at this point Betty decided that she wanted to be friends with Matt. Unfortunately, there were some obstacles that awaited them when Amanda also falls for Matt. Knowing that dating Matt could break Betty's heart, Amanda took a risk to get Matt to notice her. When Betty finds out, she confronts Amanda and she confesses. However, after a short fling, Amanda realized that Matt was still in love with Betty, so she dropped him and he went back to Betty. When Matt began to suspect that Betty was pregnant, he almost jumped at the chance to be a father, but Betty wasn't ready and after taking a pregnancy test they were relieved somehow.

Amanda also meets a temp named Helen, who life seems to copy hers. Amanda would also discover that after giving up on Matt that she would end up sleeping with once again Daniel. She buried the hatchet with Claire over Fey's death, as well, and also discovered her desire to be a stylist.

Wilhelmina struggled with her search for Conner. First by finding him in Bermuda, then learning that he died in Panama, only to learn that he was alive in the Bahamas, where after a passionate and intimate time together, is caught by the FBI and lets Wilhelmina take the credit for his arrest. The two would continue their romance behind bars thanks to Wili's secret visits, where they come up with a scheme to retrieve the money so Wilhelmina can get the Hartleys out of Meade publications. At the same she also faced bigger problems when Nico was involved in a "murder mystery," only to discover from Marc that Nico and her boyfriend Johnathan was trying to blackmail her mother into getting the money as a act of revenge. A furious Wilhelmina threw Nico out and told her not to return.

Daniel tries to control his feeling over the loss of Molly by throwing objects and punching out people. Betty would later intervene and he seeks help at a bereavement group, where he meets a woman named Natalie. But the relationship starts to get a lot stranger when Natalie invites Daniel to join the Community of the Phoenix, a cult-like group led by Dylan Bennett, resulting in Natalie manipulating Daniel into turning on Betty, Claire and Amanda because they're seen as bad influences. this prompts Betty and Claire to take action to save Daniel after the group take over the Mode offices, and gets the break they needed when Matt warns them about "Level 7" where they help people contact the dead, but it has already resulted in a death of a previous member after they drank a tea that was actually a drug. Although Betty and Claire save Daniel, his attempts to talk Natalie out of it failed. With that drama out of the way, Daniel turned his attention to getting Cal Hartley, now that he knows about his affair with Claire and making risky decisions behind his back, out the way by forming a unlikely partnership with Wilhelmina to retrieve the money Connor stole, but only on the condition that Claire never finds out.

Claire's affair with Cal, and the fallout with Daniel after he walked in on the two, would prompt her to find her son Tyler, who she gave up for adoption. She would bury the hatchet with Amanda, who was essential in helping her re-establish a bond with Tyler. However, after she decided it was better that Tyler never find out about about her, Tyler started to become suspicious after Claire left a $2,000 tip and a envelope with her name on it.

After failing to get into performing arts school, Justin attends a public high school where he is teased for his flamboyant fashion. With Marc's help he gets in with the cheerleaders where he finally seems to fit in, until he is victim of a prank at the school's homecoming, where he is crowned homecoming queen. He accepts the award, only to later stun his family and Marc telling them he is simply playing along with the joke and is not gay.

Marc sought revenge on Betty after being denied the features editor's job, of which Marc would later give up now that Betty and Marc learned about the coin toss. Marc would also end up being hired by Daniel after feeling mistreated by Wilhelmina and finally find a new guy named Troy, who turned to be a Mode employee and Betty knew of his pursuit of Marc for some time.

Hilda's relationship with Archie continued but not without some surprises. The first coming from her attempt to e-mail a photo of her breast to Archie, only to hit "Reply To All," resulting in Archie turning to damage control but at the same time thanks her for saving his campaign. Then a former flame, Bobby Talercio, returned to woo Hilda even though Betty also had feelings for him. Bobby's feelings for Hilda has her conflicted over her feelings for Archie, which could make her romantic situation more conflicting. Unfortunately, Hilda ended up sleeping with Bobby, resulting in Hilda becoming pregnant. But in the end it was Archie who wanted to end the relationship, but only because he wanted Hilda to find someone that will be there for her.

Finally, Ignacio once again found yet another new flame, this time dating Jean, a pharmacist of Jewish descent. He invites her over for a multi-culti Christmas/Hanukkah dinner, which she enjoys. Despite their religious background (The Suarezes are Catholic; Jean being devoted to her Jewish faith), Jean has yet to tell her mother about the relationship between the two.

For more information on this TV Show, such as plot summaries and episode guides go to ugly betty episodes online. Also you can visit watch ugly betty online to read up on this TV series online.
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Tags: desire, obstacles, jealousy, new boss, romance, new job, bahamas, fbi, stylist, dating, fling