6 Tips for Reducing Acne

By: Ruel | Posted: 15th April 2010

Want to know what those-in-the-know have to say about acne? The information contained in the following article comes straight from well informed experts with special knowledge about acne.

Here are some tips that have helped hundreds of people who suffer from acne. Hopefully, these will help you also:

1. Water is the best.

Water is by far the most effective treatment for acne. The main support of this assertion is the fact that the water is alkaline (pH 7.3) and can be considered as a natural treatment or an almost free acne treatment. Therefore, it is best to drink at least eight glasses of water a day (10 to 12 is better). This will help your body to get rid of oil, waste and toxins, and even the water helps to moisturize the skin and keeps your pores from clogging.

Perhaps most importantly, water helps relieve stress and relax your body at the end, so you can have a better sleep. Keep in mind that water and sleep are factors that help reduce stress. Along with this, try to lessen your coffees, sodas, teas and alcohols intake as much as possible. The reason behind this is that they are partial diuretics that drive more water out of cells in the body than they put in.

2. Avoid Astringents

If your goal is to have beautiful skin, then you should try to avoid astringent natural soaps and any astringent agents that reduce pores of the skin, such as oatmeal, witch hazel, very cold water and alcohol. It was discovered that actually when your skin pores to shrink, more oils are clogged in the pores of the skin, causing acne.

3. Avoid stimulants

Coffee, tea, cigarettes and excessive sugar from sweets and fizzy drinks should be avoided. It is often said that the potential of anything affecting the whole body, brain and nervous system can stimulate the sebaceous glands to release more oil. This oil has to leave the body through the pores, worsening your acne in the end. Stimulants even trigger stress.

4. Watch your diet

Note that diets affect acne. So watch what you eat. As far as possible, try to eat foods that are low in fat, as fats produce more oil in the body that is capable of producing acne.

5. Avoid alcohol

A number of people who think that alcohol is one of the best ways to relax and relieve stress. Well, alcohol can do this, but studies have found that alcohol causes the formation of acne. It is considered capable of producing knowledge that acne is an astringent, and therefore, reduces the pores, making them more prone to clogging. Beyond that, alcohol inhibits to sleep, as a result causing more fatigue and stress, which worsens acne.

6. Hot and Very Cold Count

When considering baths, avoid hot and cold water in areas of skin affected by acne. Use hot water instead, perhaps well below 98.5 degrees on your skin.

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Tags: oatmeal, acne treatment, acne, coffee tea, pores, sebaceous glands, stimulants, sodas, beautiful skin, alkaline ph, diuretics, alcohols, fizzy drinks, astringents