iPhone 4G Multitasking Capabilities

By: RobertMelkk | Posted: 12th April 2010

In the busy world that we all live in today the ability to do multiple things at one time is essential. This is something that is implemented in computers and humans multi task themselves by juggling multiple instances of something, why shouldn't our phones be able to do the same thing? ‘

Previous complaints about the iPhone state that users disliked that only one application could be run at one time. This also applied to the browser supported by the iPhone which is Safari. It can be a real pain or annoyance to have to constantly switch between multiple applications, browser windows, or even both of them at once.

Speculation has run incredibly high about the Apple iPhone 4G and the capabilities it may or may not have. Multitasking is one of the most desired so it is very likely that Apple will listen to their customers especially because the smart phone market is very competitive and there are many other available phones for people to purchase. The iPhone has to stack up to the competition and come out ahead in order to win its fair share of the market.

The Android operating system already has the capability to multitask which makes it a lot more appealing to prospective customers in the market. Apple's new OS4 for the iPhone 4G does not really have a choice to whether it is able to support the multitasking feature because it is a guarantee that if Apple skips over this feature they will lose a lot of current and potential customers and better devices on other carriers are released. This could also impact AT&T as well since they're the current exclusive carrier of Apple's iPhone and have been the only one to have the contract to do so.

Speculation has already been incredibly high about the fact that Apple is going to release two different versions of the phone. The current technology used by AT&T is GSM which means that current iPhones are not able to be used on the CDMA networks which are Sprint and Verizon. If Apple does release two different versions of the phone it is highly possibly that the CDMA one will not be able to support the multi tasking capabilities. The reason for this is that CDMA networks do not currently have the capabilities to both surf the net or use applications and engage in a voice call at the same time.

Potential customers should keep this in mind when thinking about using the iPhone, especially on the two alternative networks since the speculation that Apple is not going to be exclusive to one carrier any longer is also running quite rampant.

Apple has always been quite fond of keeping their new materials and products deep under wraps until they are absolutely certain they want to release not only the date the device will come out but all the bells and whistles that will be included with it as well. However, if Apple listens to the customers they know that multitasking is no longer a want, it is a demand.

Learn how to get a Free iPhone 4G and stay ahead of the curve! For more information and to get your Free iPhone make sure to visit our site at myfreeiphone.co.uk
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Tags: fair share, operating system, instances, prospective customers, speculation, capability, safari, annoyance, sprint, current technology, smart phone, verizon, gsm, iphone, apple iphone, iphones, iphone 4g