How to Find Student Discounts for Laptops in the UK

By: Student Discount Card | Posted: 08th April 2010

Like it or not, laptops are now an essential for sixth form and university students. From researching and writing essays to a cheap form of entertainment, they have become a staple. This article shows you what student discounts you can get to drive down the price of your student laptop.

Student Discount Cards
Unfortunately there is only one laptop specific student discount you can get with the NUS Extra card and that is with Apple. You can get up to 15% off Apple educational products including the iMaC.

However, if you don't have the card, you can always go to the Apple Educational pages, where you can also get a discount.

Student Laptop Voucher Codes
If you are buying a laptop online then look for a student discount code. Laptop retailers such as PC World, Laptops Direct and Currys regularly publish discounts codes which get students up to 10% off; just enter the code at the checkout.

Student Laptop Cashback
Students can get cashback on their laptop purchases buy using a site such as All you have to do is join the cashback site and use their link to the laptop retailer. Tesco Direct, PC World and Comet are just 3 high street brands that are included and savings can be up to £12.

For updated codes and cashback deals please visit the Student Discount Laptops page at Student Discount Card.
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Tags: checkout, apple, educational products, staple, pc world, tesco, comet, university students, buying a laptop, cashback, voucher codes